Warat Prasertlap


Not Friends
Foley Editor
A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
Not Friends
Sound Effects Editor
A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
Not Friends
Dialogue Editor
A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
Not Friends
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
Not Friends
Sound Designer
A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
Desencontros do Amor
Sound Designer
Sempre desajeitado, Guy é muito apaixonado por June. Mas, como uma brincadeira do destino, ele sempre escolhe o pior momento para declarar seu amor.
The Lake
Sound Designer
When a mysterious monster rises from the Mekong River and attacked Bueng Kan, cuts off people from the outside world. Officials and people in the area, including Chinese scientists who accidentally came to conduct research in Thailand, all forces must be mobilized to catch this crazy monster before it's too late.
The Lake
Sound Effects Editor
When a mysterious monster rises from the Mekong River and attacked Bueng Kan, cuts off people from the outside world. Officials and people in the area, including Chinese scientists who accidentally came to conduct research in Thailand, all forces must be mobilized to catch this crazy monster before it's too late.
One for the Road
Sound Editor
Boss, an elusive bar owner living in New York, reunites with his estranged best friend, Aood, for a roadtrip in Thailand after Aood has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Ghost Lab
Sound Designer
Depois de testemunhar uma assombração em seu hospital, dois médicos tornam-se perigosamente obcecados em obter provas científicas de que fantasmas existem.
The Maid
Sound Editor
A jovem Joy começa a trabalhar como empregada doméstica para uma família rica. Ela é orientada a cuidar da única filha do casal, uma menina chamada Nid, que é considerada mentalmente instável. Porém Joy passa por estranhos acontecimentos. Ela, como Nid, vê o fantasma da antiga empregada que está assombrando a mansão. O que começa como uma história de terror, resulta na revelação dos segredos sombrios da família.
Buffalo Boys
Sound Effects Editor
Traído pelas forças coloniais holandesas, Arana consegue escapar junto com seus sobrinhos Jamar e Suwo, os filhos recém-nascidos de Hamza, um dos últimos sultões indonésios lutando contra a tirania estrangeira. Em 1860, depois de vagar por anos nas planícies do Velho Oeste americano, Arana e os dois irmãos retornam à Indonésia para vingar seus entes queridos mortos e punir o homem mau que causou sua desgraça.
Buffalo Boys
Sound Designer
Traído pelas forças coloniais holandesas, Arana consegue escapar junto com seus sobrinhos Jamar e Suwo, os filhos recém-nascidos de Hamza, um dos últimos sultões indonésios lutando contra a tirania estrangeira. Em 1860, depois de vagar por anos nas planícies do Velho Oeste americano, Arana e os dois irmãos retornam à Indonésia para vingar seus entes queridos mortos e punir o homem mau que causou sua desgraça.
Brother of the Year
Sound Editor
Jane lives with her brother Chut with her being the only one doing everything around the house. But Chut will need to learn to take care of himself when Jane becomes involved romantically with a Japanese coworker.
The Promise
Sound Editor
Ib and Boum decide to commit suicide together in Bangkok in 1997. After reneging on the promise, the vengeful ghost of Ib returns 20 years later to haunt Boum and her 15 year old daughter, Bell.
Gênios do Mal
Sound Designer
Lynn é uma estudante superdotada que resolve ajudar sua melhor amiga Grace e o filhinho de papai Pat a obterem melhores notas nos exames do colégio. O que começa como simples aulas particulares logo evolui para colas elaboradas, e o serviço prestado passa a ser muito bem remunerado. Certo dia, Lynn vê a oportunidade de ganhar milhões em um esquema para fraudar as respostas do exame STIC, espécie de ENEM internacional que abre as portas de grandes universidades em todo o mundo, a ser realizado em Sydney, na Austrália. Porém ela precisará da ajuda de Bank, seu maior rival nos estudos, que se recusa a cometer fraudes.
A Gift
Sound Designer
Featuring musical compositions of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, three love stories tackle unique challenges on romantic, soul-searching journeys.
I Fine.. Thank You..Love You
Sound Editor
Desperate to go to the U.S. to win back his girlfriend, Yim hires a tutor to teach him English. But things don't go according to plan.
The Swimmers
Sound Editor
After falling pregnant to Perth, her boyfriend's best friend, Ice commits suicide. She returns to haunt Perth while Tan seeks out the person who made her kill herself for his own revenge.