Lilly Boyle
Florist Gwen is an employee in a flower wholesaler and is ensnared by her likable boss Joey, which the young woman does not mind. They both start an affair. The relationship with her constantly frustrated and stressful mother, Ellen, doesn't look that rosy. Thankfully, there is still her life partner Ron, the down-to-earth calm anchor of the family. While delivering flowers to the cemetery, Gwen falls into an open grave and passes out. When she wakes up again, an attractive and caring man bends over her. It is emergency doctor Lennard, a single widower with a lively teenage daughter whose wife was killed in a traffic accident a year ago. An ex-employee of her flower shop was then convicted. However, the circumstances remain mysterious. When the flower seller find out about this, she initially keep at distance. But then Gwen finds a red balloon in the garden with a message from the doctor's daughter Lilly to her dead mother, who breaks her heart, because she is a half-orphan herself.
Após a morte de sua esposa, o chef Cheng viaja com seu filho para uma aldeia remota na Finlândia a convite de um velho amigo que conheceu em Xangai. Mas ninguém na aldeia parece conhecer o tal amigo, então a dona do café local oferece alojamento a Cheng em troca de ajuda na cozinha. O chef acaba surpreendendo os moradores locais com as delícias da culinária chinesa e, com o tempo, passa a se conectar com os finlandeses, se tornando um membro célebre da comunidade. Quando o visto de Cheng fica prestes a expirar, cabe aos moradores traçar um plano para ajudá-lo a ficar.