Camera Operator
Planet Earth is a devastated wasteland, and what's left of humanity has colonized the Moon in domed cities. Humanity's continued survival depends on an anti-radiation drug only available on planet Delta Three, which has been taken over by Omus, a brilliant but mad mechanic who places no value on human life. Omus wants to come to the Moon to rule and intends to attack it by ramming robot-controlled spaceships into the domes. Dr. John Caball, his son Jason, Jason's friend, Kim, and a robot named Sparks embark on Caball's space battlecruiser on an unauthorized mission to Delta Three to stop Omus.
Camera Operator
Martin Dysart (Richard Burton), um psiquiatra de meia-idade, investiga os motivos que levaram Alan Strang (Peter Firth), um jovem de 17 anos de idade empregado de um estábulo, a furar os olhos de seis cavalos sem razão aparente. Martin mergulha fundo na mente de Alan e depara-se com enigmas de fúria sexual e ira, mas acaba se vendo obrigado a confrontar os sombrios demônios escondidos em sua própria alma. Adaptação cinematográfica da peça teatral vencedora do Prêmio Tony, de autoria do mundialmente consagrado dramaturgo Peter Shaffer.
First Assistant Camera
Jill Banford and Ellen March have built a good life together on a hardscrabble Canadian farm. Then handsome Paul Grenfell enters their isolated world, and sets friend against friend. But is Paul the real trouble between Jill and Ellen? Or has his presence merely awakened the unspoken, unexplored sexual tension that always existed between the women?