Alissa Filoramo

Alissa Filoramo


Filoramo was responsible for the production of the short film Young Liars, which was shown at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival & CthuluCon in 2018. In the same film she took on one of the leading roles. From 2019 she took acting classes at various acting studios. That same year she was cast in the short film VEM Exotic Rentals. In 2020 she had a major film role and an additional supporting role in the feature film Battle Star Wars. She had newer casts in the feature film The Transcenders and in two episodes of the television series The Family Business and many more.


Alissa Filoramo
Alissa Filoramo


How to Live Your Best Death
Ashley Thomas
When Kristin’s life is turned upside down by a series of events, one of her friends recommends her seeing a “Life Coach,” Kristin finally meets the perfect match Ashley. The relationship between the two gets stronger and stronger and Ashley is always there for Kristin’s needs. ALWAYS. Through a series of events, Kristen digs into her Life Coach’s past and finds that Ashley may actually be a serial killing Mistress of Death.
Perigo no Grupo de Mães
Vanessa VanDeBerg
Uma mãe decide se juntar à associação de pais da escola na esperança de poder se envolver mais no ensino de sua filha. Ela descobre que o conselho escolar é dirigido por uma mãe com uma propensão a dar punhaladas pelas costas - literalmente.
Jurassic Domination
When two military-made, weaponized dinosaurs attack a small mountain town, it's up to the sheriff to figure out a way to stop the creatures before the dinos escape and wreak havoc nationwide.
Devil's Triangle
Quando um grupo de biólogos marinhos pousa no Triângulo das Bermudas, eles percebem que tropeçaram na cidade perdida de Atlântida. Mas eles descobrem rapidamente que a cidade não é amigável, e seus habitantes humanóides estão planejando a dominação mundial usando pilhas de armas
The Transcenders
Two Native Americans struggle to make the transition from their home reservation to the city life, but soon find a solution in an advertised remedy that promises to transform their primitive behavior, to the ranks of the refined and successful.
On the Mountain
Star-crossed lovers reminisce about their romance 10 years prior, “on the mountain”, when they fell in love over a Summer spent protesting hydraulic fracking on Native American land. She's now a CIA Analyst, he is an environmental activist and speaking at a Senate Committee Hearing on Climate Change. Flashbacks to their meeting, first kiss, and breakup set the stage for this unrequited romance story that addresses the dilemma of the modern woman attempting to have it all, both career and romance.
Battle Star Wars
Helper / Coalition Helper
Quando o líder da maligna Coalizão ameaça destruir um planeta rebelde por seus recursos, sua filha não terá escolha a não ser se juntar ao lado rebelde e lutar pelo que é certo.
Young Liars
In hopes of breaking a lucrative story, a young journalist tests out an experimental psychic technology only find himself trapped inside someone else’s nightmare. (Screamfest)