Beryl (voice)
In 2200, private detective Aline Ruby and her android partner Carlos Rivera are hired by a wealthy businessman to track down a notorious hacker. On Mars, they descend deep into the underbelly of the planet's capital city where they uncover a darker story of brain farms, corruption, and a missing girl who holds a secret about the robots that threatens to change the face of the universe.
Betty Maxwell
Uma Vida - A História de Nicholas Winton (Anthony Hopkins) mostra o extraordinário e humanitário Nicholas Witon que, em 1938, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, foi visitar Praga e se horrorizou com a situação em que as famílias ali viviam por conta de forte influência da Alemanha nazista. Compadecido com a situação, Nicholas junto com um grupo de apoio, conseguiu ajudar, principalmente crianças, a fugirem do Holocausto e irem para a Inglaterra antes das fronteiras serem fechadas. Entretanto, anos depois, Nicholas Winton fica atormentado com o sentimento de culpa pensando naqueles que ele não conseguiu resgatar. Somente quando ele reencontra com uma sobrevivente que ele socorreu é que ele consegue se livrar do peso da culpa.
Claudia, mère de Jeanne
Toda a gente sempre gostou de Jeanne. Hoje em dia, ela odeia-se a si própria. Afundada em dívidas, tem de vir a Lisboa para vender o apartamento da mãe, falecida há um ano. No aeroporto, encontra Jean, um antigo colega de escola excêntrico e algo intrusivo.
The Polish woman Wanda, 35, looks after Joseph, 70, in his family villa by the lake. She is there for him around the clock and also helps his wife Elsa, 75. The youngest son Gregi, 28, likes her very much. The work is poorly paid, but Wanda needs the money for her own family in Poland. Since everyone lives under one roof, Wanda gets an intimate view of their family life. So intimate that Wanda unexpectedly becomes pregnant.
Lisa segue seu marido Martin para a Suíça, onde ele administra uma escola particular. No entanto, quando a leucemia de seu irmão gêmeo Sven começa a causar estragos em sua saúde, ela decide que deve voltar às suas raízes, o que tem consequências significativas para seu relacionamento.
Al Pacino is a mystery. He is fire and ice at the same time. His attraction is animalistic, his looks frightening. From the ghetto of the Bronx in New York he has made it onto the big stage – from Broadway to Hollywood. As Michael Corleone in "The Godfather" he celebrated his big breakthrough at the beginning of the 70s – against much resistance, because apart from director Francis Coppola himself nobody wants him for the role. His realistic acting became the measure of all things overnight.
La Mère
Jean, an anthropologist with no history, is appointed Minister of the Family. While he discovers the backstage of the political world, he must also deal with the events that shake his own family, with the discovery of his brother's homosexuality, and the unexpected pregnancy of his wife.
Old Sofia
Influenciada pela confissão secreta de um estranho, Francesca volta para a casa de sua infância na Itália para convencer sua mãe doente a ir com ela para Nova York. À medida que a filha confronta a mãe, fantasmas da juventude de Francesca retornam em um turbilhão de dor, lembranças e satisfação.
After scuttling her career as a singer, Jewell Stone lives in Paris a job as a waitress. Marie, her grandmother and only family, who lives in Vermont, USA, arrives overnight to see her. But how to welcome her when Jewell tells her so long about her life, her work and her loves? From one letter to another, she has invented a career that works, a life with Paul, and even a girl, Ruby. But as an Italian proverb says, lies have short legs.
Judge D'Amici
An action drama about an enthusiastic junior officer from the Hague War Tribunal in pursuit of justice.
Mathilde Chaykine
Simon is an experienced doctor who rubs shoulders with death on a daily basis as part of his job in an intensive care unit. Like any good professional, he has learnt to shield himself from it. But when his mother is hospitalised in a nearby unit, and is in a critical condition, his private life and professional life clash spectacularly. Simon’s whole world, and all his certainties and beliefs, are shaken to the core – even to the extent of re-evaluating his career...
Three women, three generations, two secrets. In the early 1970s, a bomb exploded on board the Swissair flight 330 to Tel Aviv. Isabelle's husband also died. The young, very pregnant widow feared that her lover, the Palestinian activist Djibril, might be entangled in it ... Now, 47 years later, Isabelle finds out that her granddaughter Anaïs has converted to Islam. But why does the young student keep her new faith secret from the family? Anaïs's mother, Léa, immediately rings the alarm.
Set in Paris, an ancestral home holds the key to a family's future.
An ordinary woman makes an extraordinary decision which will change her life forever.
A funny walk through the life story of Billy Wilder (1906-2002), a cinematic genius; a portrait of a filmmaker who never was a boring man, a superb mind who had ten commandments, of which the first nine were: “Thou shalt not bore.”
Irène Volkov
In a French thermal town, a man is found poisoned. His ex-girlfriend is arrested for the murder but her estranged cop daughter tries to prove her innocence which leads her much further than she could have ever imagined.
Thomas, a European, has come to Québec for some recreational fishing on his own. He then embarks on the road leading to the north of Canada, chasing after a black truck that killed the son of a young Amerindian woman. This Swiss cop in exile wants justice to be done. He has, however, other reasons for wanting to do the right thing.
Marie e Boris decidem se divorciar depois de 15 anos de casados. Marie comprou a casa que eles vivem juntos com suas duas filhas, mas foi Boris que reformou completamente o lugar. Já que ele não pode pagar outro lugar pra morar, o casal tem que continuar dividindo o mesmo espaço até que entrem em um consenso.
Martha Sagell
Martha (Marthe Keller) vive sozinha de frente para o mar em Ibiza e sua vida começa a mudar quando surge uma amizade inesperada entre ela e Jo (Max Riemelt), um músico de 20 anos que sonha em ser contratado como DJ na famosa boate berlinesa Amnesia.
A man turning 50 (Walter Faber) narrates his liaisons with three women: Hanna, who was pregnant and left him many years ago in Zurich; Ivy, who broke up with him recently in New York; Sabeth who is 20 and whom he just met on a boat to Europe. Sabeth and the narrator travel to France, Italy and Greece. But who is Sabeth? What does she feel towards the narrator? What does he feel towards her? The entire movie is shot in subjective view (we only see what the narrator sees); there are no dialogues, just his post-synchronised voice.
In retracing the making of FEDORA, Robert Fischer’s documentary SWAN SONG: THE STORY OF BILLY WILDERʼS FEDORA adds yet another layer of comment and reflection on the film’s very own subject matter: 35 years after playing the romantic leads in FEDORA, Marthe Keller and Michael York look back at working with Billy Wilder – and their careers. Additional testimonies come from acclaimed cinematographer Gerry Fisher, producer Harold Nebenzal, Paul Diamond (son of Wilder’s writing partner I.A.L. Diamond), and German actor Mario Adorf.
Laura Bernheim
Paris, dezembro. Um maestro de um coral e encontrado misteriosamente assassinado, com os tímpanos estourados. Lionel Kasdan, um inspertor de policia a beira da aposentadoria, e Frank Salek, um oficial da Interpol, embarcam juntos em uma caçada ao assassino, e também e uma organização secreta especializada em sequestrar crianças, em paralelo a investigação oficial, para resolver esse caso incomum. A medida que a investigação avança, os dois homens vão mergulhar em um caso que tem suas raízes nas horas mais escuras da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Ada was settled in her life, she was pleased with it, or thought she was. She was one half of a couple who seemed happy, she'd had a child, was even due to get married, and wham... she met Paul... And this Paul was writer to boot, who lived alone with his grown daughter, had an exceedingly intrusive mother, and had the unfortunate idea of losing his father when this story had hardly got off the ground... Life started to gather speed. It was about time.
Leona Chew
Johnny Worricker é agente da inteligência britânica há muitos anos. Quando seu superior morre, deixa para ele um enigmático documento que revela falhas na organização. Johnny se vê forçado a se afastar de seu trabalho para lidar com essa situação.
Buhlschaft (archive footage)
Based on archive holdings from nine decades, director Hannes Rossacher has created a complete Jedermann performance and thus a unique cultural-historical puzzle from Alexander Moissi to Nicholas Ofczarek. The success story of the phenomenon "Everyman" is told in an unprecedented way.
Em uma residência paraíso alguns aposentados encontrar-se enfrentar os seus medos do outro e a diferença ...
Brothers Danny and Zak, ages 15 and 13 ¾, are spending the summer in their deceased grandfather's house, waiting in vain for their mother, who is otherwise busy, and running low on cash. To make some money, they decide to rent out the house to a local drug dealer, but things don't go exactly as planned...
Hannah Kaufmann
Poland 1943: An unlikely pair - a concentration camp prisoner and a captain in Hitler's notorious SS - free themselves from the wreckage of a crashed SS airplane. The two appear to be strangely familiar with each other and the extent of their extraordinary relationship is thrillingly revealed.
Dr. Rousseau
Três pessoas são tocadas pela morte de maneiras diferentes. George (Matt Damon) é um americano que desde pequeno consegue manter contato com a vida fora da matéria, mas considera o seu dom uma maldição e tenta levar uma vida normal. Marie (Cécile De France) é jornalista, francesa, e passou por uma experiência de quase morte durante um tsunami. Em Londres, o menino Marcus (Frankie McLaren/George McLaren) perde alguém muito ligado a ele e parte em busca desesperada por respostas. Enquanto cada um segue sua vida, o caminho deles irá se cruzar, podendo mundar para sempre as suas crenças.
Voix off
Desiludido por ter perdido um grande trabalho como músico, Gabriel decidiu mudar de profissão, começando uma corrida por um emprego. Foi então, recrutado como diretor comercial de Paris, de uma grande empresa funerária americana. Gabriel teve que fazer um estágio prático, ao lado de Gervais Bron, quinze anos trabalhando nesse negócio. No estágio, ele passa por situações engraçadíssimas, enquanto prepara os funerais. Ele conseguiu esconder seu novo emprego dos seus pais e de sua namorada, Claire, que viam nele um grande músico, até que vendeu um funeral a preço de ouro à um velho senhor, que era nada menos, que o avô de Claire, que ele não conhecia...
Narrator (voice)
Between 1942 and 1944 some 24,916 Jews were deported from Belgium to Auschwitz. The roundups and deportations were organised and carried out by the Nazis with the - not always conscious - cooperation of Belgian authorities. The attitude of the authorities here varied from outright resistance to voluntary or unwitting collaboration.
Carole Rothmann
Trapped in an old folks home where people keep going missing, an ex-cop must overcome his Alzheimers to find out who is killing people in this jigsaw thriller.
Eva is a Jewish literature teacher at a high school in Bordeaux, France, after the Second World War. During the war her whole family was sent to the German extermination camps by French collaborators. Eva survived by chance. Then by chance a new girl enters her class, a girl who resembles Eva's dead daughter.
Professeur Brügen
Quando o corpo de uma jovem imigrante ilegal é descoberto com estranhas feridas em volta dos seus olhos e com sua atividade cerebral completamente frita, o investigador e tenente Hoffman é eventualmente levado a uma clínica ultra-moderna de cirurgia plástica, a clínica do Professor Brügen. Mas para a surpresa de Hoffman, esta clínica não se preocupa apenas com as feridas sobre a carne dos pacientes, mas sim com o valioso produto que é a memória e a identidade pessoal de cada um.
During the absence of Philipp, in his house appears the stranger, who calls himself Boris. He says that he was the school comrade of Philipp and it arrived to visit old friend. Boris charms all households and remains to await Philipp. Only one Andre- Pierre distrustful relates to the stranger.
A young couple in Berlin's 'Mitte' district. He, a writer, is lying on the sofa, reading. She can't stand it anymore. In the afternoon the parents come to see the baby. She goes out in the evening. The young man waits. She comes back - but not alone.
Mme Dumayet-Ponti
Madeleine, a woman with an illegitimate child, joins a caravan of nurses, designed to nurse the babies of other mothers of high society. Will work, but you can not take your child.
Nicole Doucet
Nicole Doucet is a gourmet chef. Everything is going well professionally for the young woman. Guillaume, her son, is a former drug addict whom she has lost sight of. The day he returns to her restaurant, she discovers that he is married to a woman much older than him. Nicole is suspicious of this idyll and fears that Guillaume will fall back into the infernal spiral of drugs.
Rebecca McGregor
A boy is orphaned and his only surviving relatives, an ageing aunt and uncle, somewhat reluctantly, take him in. The aunt, still traumatised by the death by drowning, years earlier, of her own two sons, has little idea how to handle the boy. As if, losing his parents and not really feeling welcome in his new home, were not enough, the boy is bullied at school. He seeks sanctuary from all of his troubles in the open air, in the company of wolves and particularly in the presence of a young wolf whose life he has saved.
Jacqueline Bréaud
Christmas? The joy of rejoining the family and spending the most anticipated holiday of the whole year. Seeing family members you haven't seen for a long time and spending the holidays together like when the children were little. But the children have grown up and have new things to tell. This news will turn the traditional family reunion into a hurricane. The coming out of the homosexual son is almost an outing, but one that testifies to the love that binds the two gay lovers together.
This retrospective documentary offers a first-rate account of the making of 'Marathon Man'. Hoffman, Scheider, Keller and Goldman all share their memories, many of which are remarkably detailed. Even the change in the ending is addressed, and twenty-five years later, Goldman seems to have resigned himself to the rewrite.
Frédérique's mother has died recently leaving her the family stud farm. She's never met her father, doesn't even know his name. But she finds it on the back of an old photo. She sets off for Paris. She stays with her gay dancer pal Marc. Marc and friends decide to go to their favourite gay bar... but it's men only. So Frédérique becomes Frédéric, an effeminate gay boy... Frédérique follows her father. Pierre Arroux is an art curator - and gay. She introduces herself to him, but as Frédéric. So while Frédéric is quite an awkward young man and an embarrassment to his father, Frédérique is secretly meeting with her old boyfriend now living in Paris..
Madame Thorpe
Fashion executive Dominique's obsession for Quentin, a young bisexual hustler, fills her desire for physical love but leaves her taxed emotionally. Twists and turns in the relationship, along with the man's violent and abusive nature, force Dominique to reconcile the conflicts created by her passion. In this quest, Dominique is aided, and sometimes hindered, by friends, clients, and Quentin's former and current acquaintances.
Cinco quarentonas tentam descobrir o que é realmente importante na vida delas.
Nora Winter
In this French crime film, set during the time of the Gulf War, an elderly German tourist is murdered in Paris by junk dealer Joseph Katz (Pinkas Braun), a friend of Paris detective Sam Bellamy (singer Patrick Bruel). Romantically involved with the victim's daughter Emma Guter (Isabella Ferrari), Bellamy covers up the crime he witnessed. Joseph then mysteriously vanishes, and Bellamy heads for Berlin where the victim's possessions are auctioned. After Bellamy finds the source of the well-hidden traffic in art stolen by Nazis from French Jews, he discovers a Nazi war criminal is blackmailing past associates. Incorporating background from journalist Hector Feliciano's Lost Museum, the film is adapted from Guy Konopnicki's novel, Pas de Kaddish pour Sylberstein (No Kaddish for Sylberstein).
A well-known writer lives with the obsession of a past drama and, unable to write, wanders from bar to bar at night. One night he meets Marie, whose laughter suddenly resonates for him like an echo. Marie, unable to resist this man who confuses her, will be carried away in an adventure of love at first sight.
Mrs. Delgado
Lisbon, 1938. Mr. Pereira is the editor of the culture section of an evening paper. Although fascism is on the rise in Europe, like in nearby civil war Spain or even inside Portugal itself in the form of Salazar's regime, Pereira only concerns himself with writing bios and translating French novels. Things change after he hires a young writer as his assistant, getting to know also his girlfriend – both opponents to the regime – and reluctantly helps them when they begin to get in trouble for subversive activities. Eventually, he's forced to take a stand...
Beatrice Belmont
Catherine Mercier
Catherine, a concert pianist, is surprised one night by the arrival of her best friend from childhood, Marie-Alexandrine (Max), whom she hasn't seen for 25 years. Catherine and Max were Québec's most promising young pianists in the mid-1960's when the adventurous Max gets pregnant. She wants to keep the child, but her mother forces her to give him up for adoption; afterwards, Max leaves Québec and music. Now, years later, she returns, obsessed with finding her son. She locates the adoption records, and social services contacts her son to ask if he wants to see her. He refuses, but she keeps trying. Is a relationship with him possible? And what about her musical talent?
Lorenzo Fabbri is a guy who is kidnapped and imprisoned in a cave of Aspromonte. After trying every way to achieve liberation of his son, the mother Elena decides to give life to a desperate protest: enchains on the square in a Calabrian village putting up a sign saying "Free My Son." A dramatic challenge of citizens and the impotence of the police.
Jeanne d'arc
Eva Grundberg
Linda Farmer (Marie Carson)
After a terrible accident, a psychatrist has to help Bruce to regain his memory. In flashbacks we learn that his family had to flee from New York after his father uncovered a large case of corruption. Bruce didn't know this for most of his life, until he found a passport with a different name in it. After the first shock he tries to continue living like a normal teenager. Unknowingly his cute little girlfriend "Patrick" brings them in danger..
Frau Wagner
A true story about Johann Georg Elser, a quiet carpenter who tried to assassinate Hitler with an explosive device in 1939.
Nelly (Helma Schleyer)
Tina, Romano's Mistress
Aboard a ship early in the 20th-century, a middle-aged Italian tells his story of love to a Russian.
When he loses his way on a country road and is bitten by an animal, Maybury stumbles across a strange house where an extravagant dinner is taking place.
In the spring of 1980, Esther Jochmann, a young Austrian woman, flies to San Salvador. Her husband, a journalist, has been killed. She has to identify his corpse so that the authorities will allow it to be transferred to Europe. She learns that Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was also a victim of an assassination, had granted a taped interview to her husband. Padre Manuel hands the tape over to her. Esther accompanies the Padre and John, an American reporter, who are trying to find the murderers.
Judy Johnson
In a world ravaged by violence, and other serious social problems, Joan - a character that alludes to Christ (which represents the return to Earth) arrives to Italy by train and preaching for the salvation of mankind, condemning the hypocrisy and hedonism.
1952, Paris. Nadia, a Red Diaper baby, has a sister, Polish parents, and at 15 is an active Communist. When cops beat her during an anti-American demonstration, she's rescued by a "Match" photographer. As the friendship becomes a love affair and her slogans are tested by new knowledge and emotion, some of the Red youth want to expel her. When she goes with Stéphane to a seaside photo shoot, her father goes to the police. Stéphane faces charges, so leaving to cover the war in Indochina looks appealing. In a parallel story, Nadia's mother meets again her prewar lover, released from Siberia, who challenges the French Reds with very real scars and word of Stalin's anti-Semitism.
Cécile, a single mother, contrives to meet Gilquin, the married father of a classmate of her nearly-adolescent son. An affair ensues. Isabelle, approaching middle age with two children, discovers she's pregnant, goes into a funk, and arranges for a younger woman to seduce her husband. Adeline is distraught at her ex-lover's plan to leave France. The three women are colleagues at a radiology clinic. They come to each other's aid, but each must decide on her own what course to take: Cécile with Gilquin, Isabelle with her husband, and Adeline with her solitude.
A researcher for the CIA who convinces his superiors to send him to the eastern bloc in order to avenge the murder of his wife by enemy agents discovers a web of deception underneath his wife's death.
While investigating the death of a friend and fellow cop, Los Angeles police officer Barney Caine stumbles across evidence that Nazis created a synthetic alternative to gasoline during World War II. This revelation has the potential to end the established global oil industry, making the formula a very valuable and dangerous piece of information. Eventually, Caine must contend with oil tycoon Adam Steiffel, who clearly has his own agenda regarding the formula.
O produtor decadente Barry “Dutch” Detweiler tenta convencer a emblemática Fedora, aposentada e reclusa, a voltar a atuar para relançar a carreira de ambos. Mas a privacidade dela é difícil de conquistar, e com boas razões. Quando ela comete suicídio, Detweiler fica desconfiado e decide investigar.
Bobby Deerfield, um famoso piloto de corridas americano no circuito europeu, apaixona-se pela enigmática Lillian Morelli, que tem uma doença terminal.
An Israeli anti-terrorist agent must stop a disgruntled Vietnam vet cooperating in a Black September PLO plot to commit a terrorist attack at the Super Bowl.
Thomas Levy é Babe, um tranquilo universitário e maratonista que acaba se envolvendo em uma complicada trama mortal com um fugitivo nazista, o qual Doc, seu irmão mais velho e agente do governo, quer pegá-lo. Porém quando Doc é assassinado, Babe se encontra emaranhado com as pedras preciosas roubadas e loucos sádicos, em que até mesmo sua namorada Elsa está envolvida.
Producer Robert Evans dominates with his trademark promotional style, but Schlesinger gets a short time on camera (one of his few available interviews about the film), and Hoffman has even more. A highlight is the celebration of Olivier's final shooting day, complete with speeches and a toast.
A compulsive gambler must steal a suitcase full of money, which is also coveted by Melba, a cabaret singer. A getaway ensues.
A mental hospital somewhere in Tuscany during the thirties. Far away from fascism, this closed world is rules over by Dr. Bonaccorsi, a passionate benevolent psychiatrist whose dream is to isolate the germ of madness. He is also a very active ladies'man and makes three women benefit from his sexual itch: Francesca the hospital manager's wife, Bianca, his devoted nurse and Carla, a nymphomaniac doctor's wife. His well-ordered universe starts being challenged with the coming of Anna, a trainee psychiatrist, who disapproves of his theory on the origin of madness. Worse, she resists his advances. As Bonaccorsi is more insecure than he looks, what will become of him?
La reine
A queen lives secluded in her chambers, mourning the loss of her husband on their wedding day ten years from then. Stanislas, a suicidal poet and anarchist, enters her apartments with the intent of killing her. When he appears, wounded, fleeing the guards, she is struck by his resemblance to the late king...
Angela Delpierre
The yacht of millionaire Hellmann explodes in the Mediterranean Sea, with him and 8 men crew on board. Insurance agent Lucas investigates at the Cote D'Azur, because there's the suspicion that it could have been suicide. He finds out that Hellmann's villa was monitored, the tapes also contain information about the explosion. He uses them for blackmail.
Sarah / Her Mother / Her Grandmother
The movie follows the lives of a woman and a man starting from several generations earlier. The story spans a whole century and several continents.
Marthe Renon
The body of a young woman falls on the terrace of Martha, who intrigued, meets her neighbor. In contact with this strange man, she learns to have a different look about her own life and her marital problems.
The guardian of a nursing home lends a compassionate ear to the complaints of two new pensioners who love each other and have only one dream: to see the sea. To help them realize their dream, the brave man steals the car of the director. She quickly discovers the crime and drags her pale husband to the pursuit of the trio, aboard a tanker truck...
The guardian of a nursing home lends a compassionate ear to the complaints of two new pensioners who love each other and have only one dream: to see the sea. To help them realize their dream, the brave man steals the car of the director. She quickly discovers the crime and drags her pale husband to the pursuit of the trio, aboard a tanker truck...
Marlène Réval
He is a sales rep. She is a secretary. They live in the suburbs but she works in Paris. They don't see much of each other and spend much of their time in commuter trains. They try desperately to change job locations to be more often together, but... The plot is not the important thing in the film ; what makes it emblematic of the early and mid-seventies is the insouciant atmosphere. The '74 oil crisis had not yet morphed into a recession, and life was good - even though it was as hard as ever to find a home near one's workplace (or the reverse) ! Marthe Keller and Jacques Higelin are both excellent. The movie is not an all-time great, but it captures the "zeitgeist" of French life in the Seventies.
Granier, a former accountant imprisoned for financial embezzlement, is released from prison and decides to help his cellmate to escape...
Muriel is a shy woman who bluffs and blusters around in order to hide her shyness and to protect her loneliness, even though she longs wistfully for a companion of some sort. She has been lonely so long that now she is an old maid and has never been wooed. In this gentle French film, Muriel gets a glimpse of romance when Gabriel walks into the seaside hotel she is vacationing in. His car has broken down, and he has to stay there for a few days while it is repaired. Hers is the only dinner table with room at it, and Gabriel cannot prevent himself from charming women. She is stiff with him at first, but soon they develop a friendship.
Marie Panneton
Amélie, baronne de Coustines
In this comedy, a run-down hotel drums up customers by sabotaging passing cars. The stuck motorists are then obliged to stay. Unfortunately, one of the sabotaged cars belongs to a bank robber. The hotel staff wants the robber out, but they also want to keep his ill-gotten money.
Walter Pfeiffer tries to make some money by publishing a political newspaper for which people pay to get their article printed
Michael Caine interpreta o papel de Harry Palmer, o antigo cabo do exército que contra a sua vontade serve como espião para Sua Majestade, para não ter de cumprir uma longa pena atrás das grades.Palmer é enviado a Berlim onde terá de ajudar um general russo dissidente que quer fugir do país. Depois de aceitar a missão com relutância, ele arranja um plano de fuga que inclui um falso funeral... mas infelizmente o corpo errado é transportado para fora da Rússia. A partir daí muitas armações acontecem, com Caine circulando por Berlim, nos braços de belas mulheres.
Christine Foster
Jessica Lovell
Junge Frau
Der Friede