Lou Doillon

Lou Doillon

Nascimento : 1982-09-04, Paris, France


Daughter of director Jacques Doillon and actress Jane Birkin, half-sister of Charlotte Gainsbourg, half-sister in law of Yvan Attal, Lou was born in the French movie industry. She had a rebellious adolescence, and started her acting career as her mother's daughter in Kung-fu master! (1988). Then, her father offered her her first great role in a movie, it was Trop (peu) d'amour (1998), and she also played in Mauvaises fréquentations (1999). She became a model because of her atypical beauty and is now a star in the French and European movie industry


Lou Doillon


Oh Les Filles!
What if French Rock were born with Edith Piaf? From sweet sixties pop to today's gender-indifferent anthems, from feminist rebels of the seventies to fashion icons of the social media age, from Françoise Hardy to Christine & The Queens, via Vanessa Paradis, Catherine Ringer, Charlotte Gainsbourg and many more, Oh Les Filles! tells the untold story of French female rock stars. Narrated by Clémence Poésy, this groundbreaking documentary combines interviews and iconic footage to radically reverse perspectives and give the patriarchy a kick!
The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
According to the ancient tale, talented musician Orpheus descends to the underworld to retrieve his beloved wife Eurydice, who steps on a poisonous snake and dies after being chased by Aristaeus. Moved by Orpheus’ music, Hades, ruler of the afterlife, allows him to take Eurydice back under one condition. Eurydice is to follow Orpheus while walking out to the light, but he can’t look back otherwise she will return to the land of the dead forever.
You, Me and Us
Aya and Louis separated a long time ago. Their little girl, Lina, is now 7 years old. Today, Aya lives with Victor, with whom she’d like to have a baby. Louis is with Gaëlle, who’s his girlfriend but nothing more. Through nine secret meetings organised by Aya, the film tells the story of how a woman and a man, torn between romantic charades and the quest for a «permanent» harmony, take a fresh start at being lovers.
Melissa's Sister
O filme mostra a vida dos policiais da Brigada de Protecção de Menores, que devem lidar diariamente com assuntos sérios, como fome e pedofilia. Além de cuidar desses assuntos terão de lidar com Melissa, jornalista enviada pelo Ministério do Interior para realizar um livro de fotos sobre seu trabalho.
Mes images privées de Serge
Um raro vislumbre da vida pessoal de Serge Gainsbourg pela mulher que o conhecia melhor: sua amante e colaboradora criativa, Jane Birkin.
George é uma jovem cheia de carisma e espírito aventureiro que nasceu numa família tradicionalmente católica. Na adolescência, ela se apaixona por sua professora Sybil. Anos depois, devastada pelo suicídio de sua amante, ela embarca numa jornada imprudente pela noite do bairro parisiense de Pigalle nos anos 1960. Depois que ela conhece Odette, uma mulher mais velha, rica e atraente que lhe oferece dinheiro e presentes em troca de favores sexuais, George se transforma em Gigola, uma espécie de gigolô feminina. Com Eduardo Noriega, Marisa Paredes, Lou Doillon, Rossy de Palma e Marisa Berenson
Gabrielle, a pleasant woman in her sixties, learns that she is about to be evicted from her second-hand shop...
Anna, 50 years old, moves into her new house. Rooms are full of boxes which contain a lot of things and plenty of memories. Anna has lived many lives and her past comes out of these boxes. Her parents surely, but also her children and their fathers, the living and the dead. In this breakneck period of her life, time is running faster and faster and Anna takes a run-up to face the past and try to go towards the future. And, maybe, to manage to still believe in love?
Go Go Tales
O cabaré Ray Ruby’s Paradise é uma sofisticada casa de Manhattan que é administrada pelo carismático empresário Ray Ruby. O lugar, no entanto, passa por dificuldades. As dançarinas ameaçam fazer uma greve e o grande patrocinador pensa em desistir do negócio. Para sua sorte, Ruby conta com um sistema infalível para ganhar na loteria.
Almas Gêmeas
Angelique Tristiana
Grace é uma jovem repórter que está investigando a vida do renomado e controverso psiquiatra Philip Lacan. Em suas pesquisas, depara-se com o perturbador relacionamento que ele mantém com Angelique, uma de suas pacientes mais misteriosas. Depois de testemunhar um crime brutal, Grace envolve-se em um espiral de violência e terríveis revelações.
La vida perra de Juanita Narboni
Social drama about a woman and her housekeeper.
A Profecia dos Anjos
Uma mulher problemática é enviada para uma região afastada da França para limpar um velho e desativado orfanato. Chegando ao local, ela descobre que não está sozinha e que o orfanato não está tão solitário e desativado quanto achava. Lá ela encontra uma das internas que ainda vive no local, junto com a antiga cozinheira. Tudo o que aparentava normalidade vai se transformando conforme estranhos acontecimentos se sucedem. A mulher passa a achar que está sendo perseguida e começa a duvidar de sua própria sanidade. Ao mesmo tempo, a cozinheira também pensa que a hóspede está ficando completamente louca. Para descobrir o que realmente está acontecendo, a hóspede vai mergulhar em segredos dos quais jamais imaginou e vai descobrir que certas coisas estão muito além de seu alcance.
The Private Life of Samuel Pepys
Elizabeth Pepys
The Private Life of Samuel Pepys is a 2003 British comedy television film directed by Oliver Parker and starring Steve Coogan, Lou Doillon and Nathaniel Parker. It portrayed the historical diarist Samuel Pepys. It was aired on BBC2 on 16 December 2003, drawing an audience of 2.9 million viewers.
Blanche de Peronne
In 17th century France, cardinal Mazarin's death squad kills young Blanche's parents. She grows up to become a thief and steels a substance called Powder of the Devil and a coded letter that were sent to cardinal Mazarin. He is furious.
Summer Things
Two couple of friends, one very rich, the other almost homeless, decide to go on Holiday. Julie, a single mother, joins them too. Once at seaside, it starts a complicate love cross among them that will involve also a transsexual, a jealous brother, a Latin Lover and another nervous stressed couple. Not to mention about the daughter of one of them that is secretly in Chicago with one of her father's employees... At the end of the summer, all of them will join the same party...
Carrément à l'ouest
In Paris, where he wields his money scams, Alex has an unexpected encounter with two girls: Fred, who’s nothing to do with his world and who he falls for straight away, and Sylvia – sweet, but lonely, Sylvia. To test Alex, Fred devises a curious game of seduction. Like a character out of a Marivaux play, she toys with setting up delightful obstacles necessary to Love’s flourishing: Sylvia must seduce Alex, and Alex, must in turn, truly desire Sylvia. But Fred gets caught in her own trap. She falls head over heels in love with Alex. However, he no longer knows who to choose, all the more so now that Sylvia is falling in love with him, too. During an eventful night of confusion and intrigue, crazy laughter and tears, our threesome come to realize that what really draws them together is an emotional bond: true love.
Nadia Coupeau, dite Nana
Nadia Coupeau
Victim of a rape, Nadia Coupeau decides to keep the child despite her precarious personal situation. But her child is soon taken away from her and placed in public care. Desperate, but ready to do anything to get him back, she decides to join her friend Zoé in the capital... In this version freely inspired by Emile Zola's work, Nana's trajectory is a cross-section of contemporary society, from the jungle of the suburbs to the golden world of business.
Scénarios sur la Drogue
Segment "Avalanche"
Delphine meets Manuel. Fragile and elusive, the young man escapes him. Manuel leaves the city to flee his illness, a cancer. Delphine goes in pursuit and plunges into a world of dark encounters.
Bad Company
Olivia Monti
Delphine is a sweet innocent young girl, her new best friend pulls her into a world where she falls in love with a local pretty boy. Working her hardest to make him love her drags her into prostitution.
Too Much (Little) Love
Seventeen-year-old Emma is invited to filmmaker Paul’s house after sending him the outline of a film. Ostensibly there to work on the outline with him she spends her time flirting with Paul, his wife, and his daughter.
Kung-Fu Master!
A lonely 40-year old woman finds herself shattering taboos by falling in love with the 14-year old Julien – but is it romance, or a desperate attempt to turn back time in the face of middle age?
Jane B. by Agnès V.
The interests, obsessions, and fantasies of two singular artists converge in this inspired collaboration between Agnès Varda and her longtime friend the actor Jane Birkin. Made over the course of a year and motivated by Birkin’s fortieth birthday—a milestone she admits to some anxiety over—Jane B. by Agnès V. contrasts the private, reflective Birkin with Birkin the icon.
Dnipro Crocodile
Émilie benefits from a professional trip to Kiev to return to see the street where she lived as a child. But this street was knocked down and replaced by a commercial complex. A zone where roams an escort of crocodiles.