Pyotr Yemelyanov


Not Under the Jurisdiction
Director of Photography
In a training flight, the Il-28 plane crashes. Shooter-radio operator Sorokin without an order leaves the plane, lands first and writes a denunciation to the pilot Yegorov. Yegorov has to leave military service, his beloved girlfriend Nadya is leaving him. Sixteen years have passed since then. Nadya is married to the slanderer Sorokin and brings up a son with him who doesn't know who his real father is. One day, the whole family ends up on an airplane controlled by Yegorov. Clarification of relations leads to a belated triumph of truth, which affects all heroes: one destroys, the other exalts, in the third instills hope...
The Taiga Troopers
Director of Photography
Based on the novel by Vladimir Orlov "Salty Watermelon". About the youth team of builders laying in the taiga railway Abakan-Tayshet. In the taiga, on the site of the future route, the youth team of Nikolai Bondarenko works. The people in the brigade are very different: the educated muscovite Vitaly, the resourceful Boris, the scribe and the romantic "Bukvar", but everyone lives together. They dream of a future route that will open the way to the Sayan Mountains.
Two on the Steppes
Director of Photography
In the summer of 1942, the Soviet army is fighting the Germans on the Don River. Young lieutenant Ogarkov gets lost in the steppe and fails to deliver a redeployment order. For that, he is sentenced to death. Now, another soldier has to lead him across the steppes to his death.
A Leap Year
Director of Photography
On the streets of the regional city, a cheerful holiday bustle reigns. The apartment of the Kupriyanovs is also noisy — friends of their youngest daughter Yulka are preparing for the New Year. The old driver Leonid Kupriyanov will not have to celebrate the holiday with his family, he should go on the next trip. Preparing for the New Year, none of the heroes imagined what dramatic events would fall on them, how difficult and unexpectedly the destinies of three families would intertwine, how difficult it would be to recover from their experiences ...