Jody Thompson
Nascimento : 1976-08-13, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Actress / Performer.
Hot Mom
O policial durão Reed (Dolph Lundgren) se infiltra em uma escola infantil como professor para recuperar um pen drive com sigilosas informações roubadas do Programa de Proteção à Testemunha.
A couple on the brink of divorce decides to keep their marital woes a secret as they help their daughter plan her wedding. As the two work together on the happy occasion, they soon discover that their own marriage might just be worth saving.
Louise Hampshire
Sarah equilibra sua vida profissional com as tarefas da família. Mas quando ela começa a receber textos e fotos em seu celular como ameaças, sua vida perfeita começa a se desfazer. Sem poder provar para o polícia as chantagens que está sofrendo, pois as mensagens são automaticamente apagadas depois de abri-las, Sarah decide descobrir sozinha quem está por trás de tudo isso.
Depois da morte do marido, o único conforto de Sally é o seu pastor alemão, Buddy. Ao se amedrontar com uma tempestade, o cão foge, o que dá início a uma série de eventos que vão unir ainda mais Buddy e Sally.
Marjorie Cline
Reverend Casey Hart is falling for her friend and fellow seminarian David Swenson. When she becomes senior minister, will her fear of failing become stronger than her faith in herself?
Cora Jesperson
O serial killer, Keith Jesperson, assassinou pelo menos oito mulheres durante um período de cinco anos, enquanto provocava as autoridades com recados inquietantes e confissões rabiscadas, assinadas com uma cara feliz.
Leah Shade
Um pai viúvo leva seus dois filhos pequenos a uma casa afastada nas montanhas para se isolar e buscar conforto. No entanto, a paz se vai com uma tempestade de inverno, que traz acontecimentos terríveis.
Claire Russell
Desde jovem, Harold não sabe como lidar com o sexo oposto. A fim de vencer esta barreira, ele contrata Annie, a garota popular do colégio, para ensiná-lo a abordar as mulheres e conseguir enfim emplacar algum relacionamento. O que ambos não sabem é que este plano reserva grandes surpresas para eles.
Peggy (uncredited)
Depois de sobreviver em Barrow, no Alasca, Stella muda-se para Los Angeles e atrai a atenção de vampiros locais na tentativa de vingar-se da morte do marido.
A successful defense attorney finds her life in jeopardy when she returns home to defend her high school sweetheart against charges of murdering his wife.
CNN Anchor
Bilhões de habitantes da Terra não estão cientes de que o planeta tem uma data de expiração. Com os avisos de um cientista norte-americano, os líderes mundiais começam os preparativos secretos para a sobrevivência de alguns membros da sociedade. Quando o cataclisma global finalmente ocorre, o fracassado escritor Jackson Curtis tenta levar sua família para um lugar seguro quando o mundo começa a desmoronar.
Lana Lewis
In 1957 a fiery object crashes into a mountaintop in the California desert, bringing the threat of disaster to Earth. Out of the flying saucer escapes a murderous creature, the Ghota, bent on destroying all life forms on the planet. A benevolent alien from the spaceship, Urp, inhabits the body of Ted Lewis, an astronomer and with the help of Tammy, a diner waitress, sets out to save mankind.
Brilliant software entrepreneur Paul Jacobs meets PR agent Sarah Daniels at his spoiled rotten daughter Lily's tennis club. First Sara seduces Paul to hire her firm for his, then they fall in love and get married. But both Lily and Paul's business parter (and ex) Monica are secretly jealous and want Sara out. Accidents hit both his family and his firm hard, but are they accidents and if not, who is staging them? Secrets from Paul's, Sara's and some others' past complicate things further.
Estados Unidos, Alabama, década de 1950. Lewellen (Dakota Fanning) é uma garota órfã de nove anos, que vive com o pai (David Morse) e Grammie (Piper Laurie) em uma fazenda. Suas únicas diversões são ouvir as canções de Elvis Presley e brincar com Buddy (Cody Hanford), seu vizinho. A vida tranquila da família é alterada quando a nova namorada do pai (Robin Wright) chega à casa, trazendo um segredo consigo.
A multiple murder investigation in a small hunting town focuses on one suspect, Wendy Sinclair, who operates a battered women's shelter where each of the victims' wives have sought shelter.
Gina Byrnes
Soon after Kate moves into the house she inherits from her father, she begins to see strange images of young women being murdered. At first it appears as if she's losing her mind, but Kate soon discovers that her visions may be hereditary. As this young mom begins to piece together the mystery behind her new haunted home, she realizes that not everything is as it seems. Each clue she gathers in solving this puzzle brings her - and her daughter - another step closer to danger!
O terrível ser do inferno Pinhead está de volta para assolar a humanidade com seu terrores e sadismo. Dessa vez, sua vítima é Trevor (Dean Winters), um homem de negócios que se envolve com as forças malígnas após um acidente de carro. Com a esposa desaparecida e fortes dores de cabeça, ele passa a ter alucinações, mas fará o que for preciso para descobrir o paradeiro da sua amada. Porém, sua esposa, Kirsty (Ashley Laurence), já tem uma história passada com Pinhead.
A federal agent and ex-detective attempt to bring a physician with murderous tendencies to justice.
Party Girl
Amanda Pierce é uma restauradora de arte que divide um luxuoso apartamento em Nova York com quatro modelos. Decididas a trazer Amanda para seu mundo de glamour, as modelos dão a ela um verdadeiro banho de loja e incentivam seu namoro com Jim Winstom, um charmoso vizinho. Tudo corre bem até que, em uma noite, Amanda crê ter visto Jim cometer um assassinato em seu apartamento. Desesperada, ela inicia por conta própria uma investigação para saber se suas suspeitas têm fundamento.
Em 1800, uma princesa sequestrada na Cidade Proibida, na China, e levada até o Velho Oeste americano. Na tentativa de salvá-la parte Chon Wang, que se depara com uma cultura completamente diferente da sua. Ao ser atacado por cowboys armados, Wang responde com acrobáticos golpes de kung fu que deixam os americanos de cabelo em pé.
A passenger of a hijacked airliner who happens to be an airplane engineer works to deactivate a chemical weapons bomb after the hijackers kill the pilot and threaten to kill all the passengers on the plane.
Crash Site Girl
It's death-by-fear (aka scared-to-death) in this deceptively psychological thriller. The hero, Mike brings his friends to his grandparents' house for a Halloween party wherein they will all dress up as their innermost fears. Mike's fear is that he's inherited a homicidal legacy from his father. Mike's father was a serial killer who murdered his mother right in front of him when Mike was five before committing suicide. Mike's fear manifests itself in his inability to commit to his girlfriend of 4 1/2 years, Peg for fear that he will kill her too. Everything gets rolling when an ancient Indian totem wooden figure named Morty comes to life and starts killing off Mike's friends by making their worst fears come true. The ultimate confrontation comes when Mike has to face his greatest fear - his own father.
Justine Freedman
Having just moved to a new town, widow Elaine Freedman and her teenage daughter Justine are greeted by the effusive, terribly nice Dr. Calvin Lawrence. Sensing that Justine is bit testy and out of sorts, Dr. Lawrence recommends that she begin taking a special vitamin which he manufactures in his own home. Before long, Justine is the model of perfection -- just like all the other teenagers in town.
After graduating from college, Sung-Ha enters a Canadian investment company and develops into a talented businessman. However, after a single mistake, he receives his discharge notice. In desolation, he spends his days drinking and gambling. Then Sung-Ha falls in love with a woman called Phoebe, whom he meets accidentally in the subway station, and who reminds him of his abused mother. Phoebe is a street walker with incurable pains, who was sexually abused by her stepfather. For her, tequila, sex, and drugs are the only means by which to end her pain and support herself. She meets a warm-hearted, ever-loving man who gives her the courage to live on. These are two people trying to ease their pains, a happy couple... However, Phoebe is not free from the memories of her past, and is afraid that her happiness might not last...
A devastating earthquake has left Los Angeles split in two. The wealthy now live in a new island metropolis, while the poor struggle to survive in the ruins of the old city. Detective Jack has been assigned to investigate the disappearance of a wealthy businessman's daughter somewhere in the ruined zone. While questioning some local punks, Jack and the others are suddenly attacked and kidnapped by a mysterious gang of thugs and taken to a hidden prison compound where they are hunted down by a strange half-man, half-machine killer. Somehow, Jack must find the girl and figure out who's behind this place, but first he must get out alive. (Written by Jean-Marc Rocher )