Winnie Böwe

Winnie Böwe

Nascimento : 1973-01-01, Halle (Saale)


Winnie Böwe


Beyond the Blue Border
Rita Kuschwitz
GDR, August 1989: Hanna and Andreas became a target of the secret police and had to give up their plans for their future studies and desired professions. Instead, they face arbitrariness, mistrust and reprisals. Their only chance for a self-determined life lies in fleeing across the Baltic Sea. Fifty kilometres of water separate them from freedom - and only a thin connecting rope around their wrists saves them from absolute loneliness.
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Katharinas Entscheidung
Yvonne Scherzer
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Familienbesuch
Yvonne Scherzer
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück – Song für die Freiheit
Yvonne Scherzer
Juri suspects that his current girlfriend Sybille may have once betrayed him and his former girlfriend Katharina to the Ministry for State Security. Katharina is given an old Stasi file in which an IM "Gänseblümchen" is mentioned - Gänseblümchen is also Sybille's nickname and Katharina and Juri were once betrayed to the State Security before Juri's escape from the GDR because of a song critical of the system. Juri continues to have problems with his dementia-stricken father, who this time runs away from home and gets lost in the Thuringian Forest, where Juri and Katharina search for him and become closer.
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Der richtige Vater
Yvonne Scherzer
Driven by the thought of being the father of Paul, the eldest son of his childhood friend Katharina, Juri Hoffmann stays in his hometown Eisenach instead of returning to his adopted country Canada. In fact, it turns out that Juri is Paul's father and Paul, who has just opened his own medical practice in Eisenach, reacts very disturbed to this information. Juri continues to have problems with his dementia-stricken father, who barricades himself in his house because he imagines the danger of an "imperialist invasion".
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Die Streunerin
Dr. Bahnsen
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Beste Freundinnen
Yvonne Scherzer
Day-care centre director Katharina is still attracted to her childhood sweetheart Juri Hoffmann. He spends a night of drinking with his best friend Christian and Katharina's best friend Sybille, which makes Katharina and especially Christian's wife Yvonne jealous. Tensions also arise between Sybille and Katharina, who are also colleagues. Meanwhile, Katharina's husband Georg is jealous of Juri, with whom Katharina almost became intimate if Sybille - who for her part has a strong interest in Juri - had not interrupted her. In a discussion with Georg and Juri, Katharina makes it clear to both of them that she wants to stay together with Georg. Katharina denies Yuri's question whether Katharina's first-born son is his. Juri continues to have problems with his dementia-stricken father, for whom Katharina finds him a carer, so Juri plans his return flight to Canada. Whether he actually takes off remains open at the end of the film.
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück – Juris Rückkehr
Yvonne Scherzer
30 years ago, Juri fled the GDR for the West via the Prague embassy and built up an existence in Canada. Thirty years later, he returns to his hometown of Eisenach to take care of his demented father, a former veterinarian. He also meets his former girlfriend Katharina again, who did not follow him onto the embassy grounds back in Prague and whom he has not seen again since. Katharina has been married for years now and is the mother of a grown-up son and a teenage daughter. She helps Juri find a place for his father in a nursing home and soon feels drawn to Juri again. Juri wants to return to Canada, but since the home placement for his father fails, Juri stays in Eisenach.
The Audition
Anna teaches violin at a music school, her husband is an instrument-maker. They have a 10-year-old son, Jonas. At school, Anna champions young Alexander, in whom she alone sees great talent. She devotes much energy and attention preparing him for the next stage exam to prove she was right. Soon Anna devotes more time to him than to Jonas, bringing the two boys into rivalry. At the same time her marriage is collapsing, she withdraws increasingly from her own family and starts an affair with her colleague Christian, who is encouraging her to join a quartet. When she fails during their joint concert, the pressure mounts. With Alexander now her vehicle, she drives him ever onwards and upwards. Come the day of the exam, events take a tragic turn...
Juntas no Crime
Marina Schütte
Um roubo de diamantes mal executado obriga Mel, uma ladra profissional, a sequestrar a medrosa Franny, que sofre ataques de pânico, e logo elas começam a ser perseguidas por um detetive persistente.
Alles Isy
Frau Sanders
16-year-old Jonas is in love with his best friend Isy, but she likes older boys. When Isy takes drugs at a party and loses control in the intoxication, Jonas friends Lenny and Martin make fun of it with Jonas. But then the situation escalates and the three boys rape the unconscious girl.
My foreign girlfriend
Kirsten Lehmann
Andrea Bredow makes friends quickly with her new colleague at the health department. Judith Lorenz seems nice and competent. And she does not like anything about office macho Volker Lehmann. But then the unbelievable happens: Judith is brutally raped by Volker Lehmann during her working hours in a storeroom. So she tells Andrea and later the police. Andrea encourages her friend to tell the truth. But Judith's behavior seems increasingly puzzling.
Weiber! Schwestern teilen. Alles.
Bibi & Tina: Perfect Pandemonium
Susanne Martin
It's perfect pandemonium when Bibi and Tina meet a runaway boy with an attitude problem, who turns out to actually be a girl, named Adea. Adea‘s uncle is so narrow-minded and stubborn that even with all her magic spells, Bibi can't manage to get the two to reconcile. Meanwhile, Falkenstein Castle is being renovated, which is driving the Count to his wits' end. Especially since Alex is planning to hold a music festival at Falkenstein and is determined to go through with it over his father's objections. And if all that was not enough, Tina gets kidnapped. Despite the complete chaos, one thing is clear - in the end, real change comes from everybody working and pulling together, not by magic.
Fanny und die gestohlene Frau
Thea Kludie
Fanny und die geheimen Väter
Thea Kludie
Neues aus dem Reihenhaus
Simone Ernst
Kommissarin Louise Boni – Jäger in der Nacht
Gabriele Holzner
Back on duty after alcohol withdrawal, Commissioner Bonì is investigating the case of a missing student. Eddie, a teenager, found a badly abused young woman in a barn. Now he's dead ...
Bibi & Tina: Girls vs. Boys
Frau Martin
Durante o acampamento de verão, Bibi compete contra os meninos em uma caçada ao tesouro e acaba perdendo seus poderes.
Meu filho Helen
Diana Calis
Tobias Wilke é surpreendido e chocado quando ele pega seu filho Finn no aeroporto, depois de um ano nos EUA.O garoto de 16 anos agora apresenta-se como Helen. Durante seu tempo nos EUA, ele aceitou que sempre se sentiu como uma menina no corpo de um garoto e agora ele se veste como tal. Helen quer se submeter a uma cirurgia de mudança de sexo. Enquanto Tobias fica chocado no início, em seguida, ele começa a lidar com a questão de por que ele nunca percebeu o quão infeliz seu filho era. Como um bom pai, ele tenta compreender a nova situação e enquanto se acostuma com o fato de que ele tem uma filha agora.
Don't Call Me Grandpa
Despite being 45, Werner still likes putting on the style and enjoys being a womanizer, who usually ends up in bed with the female guests that stay at the hostel in which he temporarily works. But then, Werner has to learn to take on responsibility. When he was 18, he and his former girlfriend Tine, had a daughter called Julia, who is a mother herself now. Whenever she is in desperate need of a babysitter, she approaches Werner, who then grudgingly accepts. But Werner has discovered that this new "job" is a real godsend, as when he takes his granddaughter to the playground, he is a great hit with the ladies. He especially likes Kathie, who comes there with her little son Finn. Of course, he can't let her know that he is a granddad and so he says that he is Zora's father… and to Julia's surprise - but also joy - he wants to babysit Zora as often as possible.
Bibi & Tina 2
Susanne Martin
Quando ladrões invadem o castelo Falkenstein, a bruxinha Bibi sua amiga Tina caçam os bandidos e ainda armam um plano para salvar a fazenda dos vizinhos da falência.
Ein Reihenhaus steht selten allein
Simone Ernst
After some back and forth are graphic designers Jan Börner can finally bring himself and his wife Anne and their children Lisa and Luke a terraced house in a modern housing estate to relate. But a short time later reveal the dark side of this decision. In the midst of gossiping settlement residents privacy is nil. To make matters worse, the busy neighbors feel even called to overwhelm Jan and Anne with supposedly helpful advice for running the household and raising children. The tense atmosphere in the family finally reached a new climax when one day Jan's ex-girlfriend Maren moves into the house next door ...
Bibi & Tina
Susanne Martin
A bruxinha Bibi e a amante de cavalos Tina enfrentam problemas quando uma garota rica flerta com o namorado de Tina e um golpista fica de olho num potro promissor.
Der Tropfen - Ein Roadmovie
Rainer's puppy love
Rainer has a miserable life. He works as a pizza delivery guy in a small eastern german town. Unhappy with his situation and apparently short on money he's also struggeling with the dementia of his mother, who he cares for. Soon he can't take it anymore having anything accomplished in his life. With his mother in a home and a self-made bomb in the back of his delivery scooter he's heading north to Berlin. The road trip begins.
Dany Meyenburg
In her documentary, director Sabine Michel revisits her own experiences during the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and Germany's subsequent reunification, as well as those of her four friends Claudi, Vera, Claudia and Veruscha. The five women were about 18 years old at that time, and belonged to the last school class in Dresden to graduate in the German Democratic Republic. The country and society school had prepared them for suddenly ceased to exist, thus they had to completely start anew. More than twenty years later, the five women travel to Paris together. During the train ride, they talk about their former dreams and aspirations, and how different their lives turned out to be.
East Germany. Summer, late 70's. Three years after her boyfriend Wassilij's apparent death, Nelly Senff decides to escape from behind the Berlin wall with her son Alexej, leaving her traumatic memories and past behind. Pretending to marry a West German, she crosses the border to start a new life in the West. But soon her past starts to haunt her as the Allied Secret Service begin to question Wassilij's mysterious disappearance. Is he still alive? Was he a spy? Plagued by her past and fraught with paranoia, Nelly is forced to choose between discovering the truth about her former lover and her hopes for a better tomorrow.
Bella Dilemma
Fr. Marquardt, Jugendamt
Bella is in a dilemma: She lives with her ex Martin and her new boyfriend Sebastian in a shared flat. Neither does she dare to pour Martin pure wine, nor to quit. Just when Bella has come to an end to the secrecy, a bad news arrives by phone: Two very good, mutual friends of Bella and Martin have been fatally injured. They leave Tom, a two-year-old boy. Bella does not hesitate: Martin and her will take care of the boy. But how should that work in the WG? And what about Bella's relationship with Sebastian?
Blonder als die Polizei erlaubt
Vom Ende der Liebe
Combat Girls
Marisa, a 20-year-old German girl, hates foreigners, Jews, cops, and everyone she finds guilty for the decline of her country. She provokes, drinks, fights and her next tattoo will be a portrait of Adolf Hitler. But Marisa's convictions begin to crumble when she meets a young Afghan refugee, and she learns that the black and white principles of her gang are not the only way.
Hanna e Simon estão casados há 20 anos. Vivem em Berlim e são atraentes, modernos, cultos, práticos. Não têm filhos e dão-se bem um com o outro mas a paixão desapareceu há muito da sua relação. Ambos desejam conhecer novas pessoas. Um dia, Hanna conhece Adam, um jovem cientista, e apaixona-se por ele. Ao mesmo tempo, e em circunstâncias diferentes, Simon conhece Adam, e também se apaixona por ele. Hanna e Simon não sabem que estão apaixonados pela mesma pessoa.
Berlín, Boxhagener Platz
Frau Heinrich
Em 1968, Otti (Gudrun Ritter) já havia tido cinco maridos e um sexto que não durará muito tempo, quando ela descobre que o velho nazista Fisch-Winkler (Horst Krause) e o ex-combatente espartano Karl Wegner (Michael Gwisdek) voltarão. Otti se apaixona por Karl e de repente Fisch-Winkler morre. Holger tem as características de um detetive amador e aprende muito sobre o amor, as revoltas de 1968 e como se pode ganhar mais das mulheres com segredos "revolucionários". Tudo vai bem até Holger (Samuel Schneider) cometer um erro que coloca Karl em perigo.
Sea of Death
In the German North Sea a new cellular life form endangers mankind.
Germany ’09 – 13 Short Films About the State of the Nation
(segment "Schieflage")
Thirteen German directors present short films exploring the state of their country.
12 heißt: Ich liebe Dich
Sabine Kohlfeld
Devido a supostos contatos ocidentais, Bettina é presa em 1984. Jan é um oficial da Stasi e especialista em interrogatório. Durante meio ano, o oficial e a dissidente sentam-se cara a cara quase diariamente, e o inacreditável acontece: eles se apaixonam um pelo outro. Em poucas palavras e gestos e por meio de um código numérico, eles se comunicam. '11 significa 'você é linda', '12 significa 'eu te amo'. Jan e Bettina estão sempre em risco de seu amor ser descoberto.
Heimweh nach drüben
Bettina Busemann
This TV movie focuses on an average East German citizen, who accidentally becomes a Cold War victim. Shortly before his wedding day, East German Stephan Busemann goes to West Germany to attend his brother Hubert's fiftieth birthday. At the same time, his son Martin and his daughter-in-law Bettina flee their communist home country in a balloon, what Stephan didn't know. As the East Germans believe he helped them to escape, he isn't allowed to return, so Martin writes a letter to the country's leader Erich Honecker. However, now the West Germans think that Stephan is a spy.
Die Frau vom Checkpoint Charlie
Britta Sandfuß
Based on a true story, Miguel Alexandre's two-part drama focuses on an East German woman and the fight for her children. Spring 1982: Sara Bender, living with her daughters Silvia and Sabine in the East German town of Erfurt, wants to marry her colleague Peter, but shortly before the wedding, her father is killed in a road accident. As the funeral takes place in West Germany, she isn't allowed to got there, so she starts planning to leave her communist home country forever. Trying to flee via Romania, she is caught by the secret service. After years in jail, Sara is ransomed by the West German government, but without her daughters. To draw the world's attention on her desperate situation, she starts demonstrating at the Berlin border crossing Checkpoint Charlie
Die Handschrift des Mörders