João Patrício


O Que Resta
FuncionÁrio Leilão
Emilio is a lifelong farmer in his eighties who lives alone on his abandoned farm. Everyone close is gone. One animal is all there is left. Today is the day he decides to sell it.
Para Cá do Marão
A theft of water, a homicide, a question of honour, a tragedy in the village of Gralhas, Montalegre.
Alis Ubbo
Tuk-tuk Driver
Depois da crise, chega o turismo e a transformação da cidade de Lisboa. Alis Ubbo (“porto seguro”, em fenício) é uma narrativa que acompanha com ironia os dois últimos anos de mudança da paisagem urbana lisboeta.
O Grande Circo Místico
Palhaço 85
Em meio ao universo de uma tradicional família austríaca, que é dona do Grande Circo Knieps, nasceu um improvável romance entre um aristocrata e uma acrobata. Este é o retrato dos 100 anos de existência do Grande Circo e das cinco gerações do clã à frente do espetáculo e suas histórias fantásticas.
Lisbon, 1943. While ordering the departure of trains loaded with essential products towards Nazi Germany, Salazar’s government establishes the rationing of goods. In Portugal, thousands of workers are protesting against ‘hunger wages’. Paulo and Luísa, antifascist resistants, have lived together for several years. They are preparing to secretly or ganize a strike at the stowage. “At 6 at Adelino’s cafe.” In 20 years of militancy, Paul was never late. But, as the day progresses, the contradictions deepen. “Fog” is a free adaptation of “Fog in the City”, short story by Mário Dionísio.
A Zona
Sandro Aguilar's haunting, formally ambitious debut immerses the viewer in a series of uncannily potent scenes.
Marido de Ângela
Francisco just got out of prison after a six year sentence and is now a free man. He wants to change, and after a few days sleeping in the subway tunnels, and some small jobs, he finally gets a room on a cheap hotel. He changes his looks, gets a job, lives his life.