Katie Mlinek


Where’s Rose
Eric Daniels (Simpkins) é o astro do time de futebol americano da faculdade e todos o admiram na cidade em que vive admiram. Quando sua irmã mais nova desaparece, ele faz de tudo para encontrá-la, com sucesso. No entanto, Eric é o único a desconfiar que Rose não é a mesma que já foi um dia, então ele passa a investigar o que realmente aconteceu com ela.
First Assistant Camera
After the death of their father, widely celebrated theoretical physicist Driscoll Tarnow, the three Tarnow siblings (Leslie, Joey & Vyra) find themselves at a crossroads, splintering off into radically different directions in order to deal with the loss. Leslie recruits an ASU engineer to assist her in the construction of a fertilizer bomb, Joey falls in love while descending deeper into his addiction to Adderall, and Vyra becomes friends with a YouTube star with a very rare disease while working on a series of autobiographical paintings.
Best Boy Electric
When presented with the opportunity to be cast in a lead role, an aging dancer must determine if her personal integrity outweighs her professional ambitions after experiencing a choreographer's unwanted sexual advances.