Caroline Carrigan


Dead Hearts
Casting Associate
Once upon a time, in a faraway forest bordered by an icy lake, there lived a witch who hated all mankind. She did not have a heart of her own, and without one, had been cursed to never know love. But having no heart, she was also made immortal , kept from death. Such was the witch's curse that she despised anyone whose heart still beat, and would kill whoever dared set foot in her forest. If she were ever able to love...She would lose her powers and become mortal once more.
A Qualquer Preço
Evelyn Love
Jan Schlittman (John Travolta) é um advogado que, junto com seus sócios, não procura vencer causas mas sim entrar em lucrativos acordos financeiros. Mas tudo muda quando ele concorda em representar oito famílias cujas crianças morreram em virtude de duas empresas terem despejado produtos tóxicos na água que abastece Woburn, Massachusetts. O caso se prolonga, fazendo a firma ficar em sérias dificuldades financeiras, tanto que os sócios de Schlittman o abandonam enquanto ele marcha para o suicídio financeiro e profissional.