Gary Sundown

Gary Sundown


Actor, Director, Producer, Fight/Stunt Coordinator - Award winning Director of his first feature film Bury My Heart With Tonawanda. Born in 1969, is a descendant of the Seneca Nation, and lives with his family in Western New York. Started acting in 2004, and has been in such films as Terrence Malick's The New World (New Line Cinema), America's First Nations (Discovery Channel), The Cherry Hill Massacre and The War that Made America (PBS).


Gary Sundown


Um Lugar Silencioso - Parte II
Island Person (uncredited)
Logo após os acontecimentos mortais, até mesmo dentro de casa, a família Abbott precisa agora encarar o terror mundo afora, continuando a lutar para sobreviver em silêncio. Obrigados a se aventurar pelo desconhecido, eles rapidamente percebem que as criaturas que caçam pelo som não são as únicas ameaças que os observam pelo caminho de areia.
The Roots of Lacrosse
Many lacrosse players and coaches often don’t know that the origins of the game of lacrosse has it’s roots in North American Indigenous nations.This short documentary provides a brief history of the sacred and cultural aspects of this sport, originally played for the Creator, as well as for the health and welfare of the people. The movie also defines the three types of North American, Indigenous lacrosse: Iroquois, Great Lakes, and Southeastern.
Call to Duty - Fora de Alcance
The Spy
Os membros do Esquadrão Alpha terão que liderar uma nova missão. O que era para ser uma simples missão se transforma em uma guerra pela sobrevivência quando descobrem uma onda de experimentos com mortos-vivos. Agora o Esquadrão Alpha deve lutar, não apenas pela sobrevivência de seus membros, mas também pelos habitantes da terra, pois o destino do mundo está em jogo.
Iroquois Creation Story
Guardian of the Tree
A combination of live-action and animation, the Iroquois Creation Story is a 17-minute film based on the ancient and complex Iroquois Creation Story.
The Better Angels
Johnny Kongapod
At an isolated log cabin in the harsh wilderness of Indiana circa 1817, the rhythms of love, tragedy, and the daily hardships of life on the developing frontier shaped one of our nation’s greatest heroes: Abraham Lincoln. Abe is a thoughtful and quiet boy who spends his days at the side of his beloved mother while learning to work the land from his stern father. When illness takes his mother, Abe's new guardian angel comes in the form of his new stepmother, who sees the potential in the boy and pushes for his further education.