Stefania Grilli


Il Buco
Costume Design
Durante o boom econômico da década de 1960, o edifício mais alto da Europa está sendo construído no próspero norte da Itália. Do outro lado do país, jovens espeleólogos exploram a caverna mais profunda da Europa no intocado interior da Calábria. O fundo do Abismo Bifurto, 700 metros abaixo da Terra, é alcançado pela primeira vez. A aventura dos intrusos passa despercebida pelos habitantes de uma pequena aldeia vizinha, mas não pelo velho pastor do planalto de Pollino, cuja vida solitária começa a se entrelaçar com a jornada do grupo.
Male Fadàu
Costume Designer
Set in the region of Sardinia in Italy in 1942. When a village fool retrieves a radio from a crashed German warplane, a mysterious, eerie voice emerges from the radio and starts to haunt him.
The Lamb
Costume Designer
Anita is sixteen and she’s facing a difficult situation: her mother died of leukemia and now Jacopo, her father, is also sick: his need for a bone-marrow transplant is increasingly urgent, but the average waiting period for a donor is many months. Anita isn’t compatible, and neither is Tonino, her grandfather shepherd who lives in the nearby tableland, close to a military base which affect the area since the Sixties. There is uncle Gaetano: being Jacopo’s brother the probability that he is compatible is higher, but Gaetano is a hothead and he and Jacopo haven’t had any relationship at all: an old grudge, which they don’t want to forget, is keeping them apart.
Perdoai as Nossas Dívidas
Costume Design
Threatened by creditors, a newly unemployed man agrees to work for a debt collector, but soon discovers his deal with the devil has unexpected costs.