Daniel Morilla


That Was Life
Two Spanish women from different generations find themselves sharing a hospital room in Belgium. María has been living there for decades after emigrating when she was young and Verónica is a young girl recently arrived in search of opportunities she never found in Spain. A strange friendship is forged between them and this leads María to set out on a return journey to the south of Spain with an unusual mission. What begins as a search for Verónica's roots will become an opportunity to open herself up to the world and question certain principles on which she had based her life.
A Trincheira Infinita
Civil Guard #2
Espanha, 1936. Higinio e Rosa estão casados á alguns meses quando começa a Guerra Civil. Higinio, temendo ser perseguido pelos rebeldes, decide usar um buraco escavado na sua própria casa como refúgio temporário…
La primera cita
Dependiente tienda discos
El Niño
Técnico de laboratorio
Two youths, Niño and Compi, enter the world of drug smuggling in the Strait of Gibraltar; while two police officers, Jesús and Eva, try to eradicate the contraband.
The World is Ours
The Culebra and Cabesa, a pair of criminals, decide to take a bank at gunpoint, dressed as penitents. The plan is simple: Get in, get the money, take off all the loot quickly and catch the first flight to Brazil. But things get complicated when a man on his fifties, victim of the economic crisis goes into the bank loaded with explosives, threatening suicide. What would be the easiest shot in history, becomes a nightmare carnival.
Unidade 7 Comando de Elite
Compañero Tomás
O Grupo 7 tem uma missão difícil: acabar com algumas das maiores redes de tráficos de drogas da cidade, limpando as ruas e colocando fim ao seu poder corrosivo. Mas o modo de agir deste time formado por agentes especiais os leva aos limites da lei, utilizando não apenas métodos de violência mas também de coerção, mentira e meias-verdades. Para eles, tudo vale no cumprimento desta missão, inclusive utilizar os meios dos próprios criminosos que combatem.