Samuel Miró


The Crack: Inception
Madrid, Spain, 1975; shortly after the end of the Franco dictatorship. Six months after the mysterious death of his lover, a prestigious tailor, a married woman visits the office of the young Germán Areta, a former police officer turned private detective, to request his professional services.
Uma Comédia Romanticamente Incorreta
Juanjo (Fele Martinez) é um professor universitário que foi abandonado por sua namorada. Certo de que está seno manipulado, convence seu aluno atrevido, Nico, a ajudá-lo a recuperar o seu antigo amor. No entanto, o que parecia um plano simples acaba sendo um jogo perverso ou, talvez, romântico… ou ambos.
Isi & Disi - Alto voltaje
Isi and Disi, the more thugs Leganés heavys return. This time Disi falls in love for the sexy Angie, former rock singer and girlfriend of a big shot record, Berdún. After being recognized as the most brutal band in the equally brutal contest presented by Angie, Disi not only have to save his group Ratamuerta, his friendship with Isi, and the temple of rock "The Kampana of Hell", but also rescue Angie from the clutches of machiavellian Berdún. Once again, rock triumph over evil ...