Debut feature by Ito Chihiro based on her own novel, produced by Yukisada Isao. In his first starring role in a film, Iguchi Satoru plays an awkward and sensitive dentist who is troubled by love.
The 20-year-old heroine learns that she only has 10 years to live due to an incurable disease of 1 in tens of thousands. She decided not to fall in love and not to be obsessed with living. But then, she met the hero at a local alumni association. Based on Kosaka Ruka's novel and also her true story. She died in 2017 at the age of 39 due to intractable disease.
O jovem Yuta Okkotsu ganha o controle de um espírito extremamente poderoso, então um grupo de feiticeiros o matriculam na Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, para ajudá-lo a controlar esse poder e também para ficar de olho nele.
Kazuhiko Takano and Ryoichi Taoka are industrial spies. A conspiracy exits behind the technology which can shake the political and economic world in Japan. Takano faces Korean spy Kim, a mysterious woman Ayako and powerful men from various countries.
The story of a would-be actor, his larger-than-life classmate and their friends. Unfolding their past and present, Sasaki in My Mind looks head-on at adolescent sparkle and the pathos of bygone days.
O filme é sobre Nagata, um desajeitado diretor de teatro e sua guerreira namorada Saki, que o ama puramente. O romance começou quando Nagata falou com Saki e percebeu que ele usava o mesmo tênis que ela. Saki, que sonha em ser atriz, muda-se para Tóquio e segue um curso de moda. Nagata não tem dinheiro e decide morar com Saki. Nagata aprecia Saki, mas se dedica aos cinemas para preencher as lacunas entre seus ideais e a realidade, levando Saki à solidão. Baseado no romance “Gekijo” de Naoki Matayoshi
A couple of months have passed since the serial murder case. A new dead body is found in the same area. Detective Manabu Kagaya tries to find the truth. He goes to see serial killer Yoshiharu Urano in prison.
Jun is being picked on at school. He visits his brother who lives apart from the family and begins to learn boxing. Jun becomes stronger, but he still can't stand up for himself. His brother finally decides to do something.