Luis Montoya


The Strong Ones
Antes de migrar de vez para o Canadá, o jovem Lucas (Antonio Altamirano) faz uma viagem para o sul da Chile na intenção de visitar sua irmã, que vive em um remoto vilarejo. No meio de sua jornada ele se apaixona pelo contramestre de um navio, o que deixa seu futuro completamente incerto e o obriga a aprender novamente o que é confiar em alguém.
Los náufragos
Man 1
After 20 years of exile, Aron returns to Chile to find out who he is. He asks questions, not only of those who stayed behind but also of himself, examining his relationship with his past and his own memory. The people who stayed lived through 20 years of dictatorship. They were either victims or executioners. Amidst this wreckage, Aron wonders what name his brother is using now, where his father is... Can he, in Isol's arms and through her love, find his way again ? What future awaits him? Like Mola the torturer, he has returned from an impossible journey, and Aron knows that each man is his own executioner. Shipwreck and resurrection are the two facets of a complex truth.