Sarah Clarke

Sarah Clarke

Nascimento : 1972-02-16, St. Louis, Missouri, USA


Sarah Clarke (born February 16, 1972) is an American actress, best known for her role as Nina Myers on 24, and also for her roles as Renée Dwyer, Bella Swan's mother, in the 2008 film Twilight as well as Erin McGuire on the short-lived TV show, Trust Me. Description above from the Wikipedia article Sarah Clarke, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Sarah Clarke
Sarah Clarke


O Maestro
Clara Castelnuovo-Tedesco
​Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um jovem músico começa a estudar com Mario Tedesco, um dos mais renomados compositores de Hollywood e mentor de nomes como John Williams e Randy Newman. Esta é a história de dois homens unidos pelo amor à música.
American Pets
A young man hatches a diabolical plan to cover-up his Grandma's death.
Staring at the Sun
Dolly Alexander
Two teenage Brooklyn Hasidic schoolgirls, unable to live under the strict rules of their community take the family car and run away across America to find what they assume will be the life of total freedom that lies beyond their insular world. They discover that a world where they don't understand the game is more dangerous than a world with too many rules, and they try to make their way in a new context, under new identities, and within an entirely new lifestyle.
Dr. Fisher
One bullet. Three lives. Everyone pays. On an average Los Angeles day, a couple on the verge of divorce and a bullied teenager find their lives desperately changed when the boy's illegal gun goes off.
Punk's Dead: SLC Punk 2
Punk's Dead, the sequel to 1999 cult hit SLC Punk, is a punk romp through the Utah hinterlands. Ross, Penny and Crash, young outsiders from different tribes, embark on a road trip to a huge punk show. Ross, 19, is the love child of Trish and Heroin Bob, who died before Ross was born. During their odyssey, and with the help of a healthy dose of drugs, alcohol and punk music, Ross shreds his darkly Gothic outlook and embraces life. His mother Trish, who raised Ross alone in her steam punk shop, discovers that he is in a crisis. She recruits his 'uncles,' Bob's old SLC gang, to help find him. When all collide at the concert, they are forced to deal with their unresolved relationships with Bob.
A Saga Crepúsculo: Amanhecer - Parte 1
Um casamento, uma lua de mel e o nascimento de uma criança trazem imprevistas e chocantes consequências para Bella e Edward e para aqueles a quem amam, incluindo novas complicações com o lobisomem Jacob Black.
A Saga Twilight: Eclipse
Bella volta a estar no centro do perigo quando Seattle é devastada por uma série de mortes misteriosas e uma vampira rancorosa continua a persegui-la em busca de vingança. É neste cenário que terá de escolher entre o amor por Edward e a amizade com Jacob, sabendo que a sua decisão irá inflamar a eterna batalha entre vampiros e lobisomens.
Below the Beltway
In this political drama spotlighting the brazen intrigues of lobbyists as they pursue their clients' interests in the nation's capital, a former political aide learns that power comes in all shapes and sizes, and that principle is often negotiable.
Bedrooms tells a story about the walls that separate people, the heartbreak and infidelity that's often the result and the redemption that comes from tearing those walls down. The film is told in 4 stories by 3 filmmakers. Three of the stories deal with married couples of various ages confronting the turning points of their relationships. A fourth story is interwoven throughout, providing bookends and context in the form of a story about ten year old twins, who, tired of sharing their bedroom set out to build a wall between their beds to create their own spaces. In building the wall to separate, they come to fully appreciate all things that connect them. Bedrooms explores human relationships, their myriad complications and the daily choice we face to either make them work or to move on.
Doces Problemas
Maxine McPherson
Para 08 mulheres hoje é um dia de mudança, elas podem estar frágeis, mas isso pode ser o começo de algo completamente diferente e inesperado. Uma atriz pornô, uma comissária de bordo, uma psiquiatra, uma massagista, uma bartender, duas atendentes de telemarketing, etc... Todas tem algo em comum em suas vidas: muita... mas muita confusão.
Isabela Swan vai morar com o pai numa nova cidade. Na escola, fica fascinada por Edward Cullen. Eles apaixonam-se mas Edward sabe que quanto mais avançam no relacionamento, mas ele põe Bella em perigo. Quando ela descobre que Edward é um vampiro decide continuar com ele, mesmo sabendo que ele pode matá-la a qualquer momento.
The 50 Greatest Television Dramas
Boasting an amazing selection of the most watched, most influential and most highly acclaimed programmes ever made, The 50 Greatest Television Dramas presents a long overdue assessment of the rich heritage television drama has to offer. Channel 4 invited over 200 of Britain's top television drama professionals – writers, directors, producers and commissioners – to take part in an exclusive poll to discover what they consider the finest dramas ever produced.
A Manhã Seguinte
On the eve of selling her mother's house, a thirty-something housewife wakes up to a hangover surrounded by her best friends from high school...
Finais Felizes
Um grande elenco atua em dez histórias com personagens entrelaçados. Uma delas é sobre pai e filho que namoram a mesma mulher. Outra apresenta uma mulher que deu sua filha para adoção, mas agora está sendo chantageada por um cineasta, que pede a ela que reencontre-a, já crescida.
The Third Date
It may only be the third date, but Tony knows it's time to pop the question and make the beautiful, shy Katrina his wife. And what better place for romance than Coney Island? Using his family's old mob connections, Tony has mapped out every detail for a very special evening. But Coney Island's finest its hot dog lady, rollercoaster operator, cotton candy vendor and performing freak have their own way of doing things. And the date of his life turns out to be more than Tony bargained for.
Aos Treze
Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood) é uma adolescente inteligente e uma aluna brilhante. Um dia ela se torna amiga de Evie (Nikki Reed), a garota mais popular da escola. Esta a apresenta ao submundo do sexo, das drogas e da mutilação, o que cria uma nova Tracy e a coloca em conflito com seus colegas, professores e, principalmente, com sua mãe (Holly Hunter).