Boom Operator
Kim, 19 anos e ex praticante de skate, trabalha num snack-bar quando lhe oferecem trabalho num luxuoso resort de esqui. Sem saber esquiar e envolvida neste novo mundo de luxo e glamour, que para ela é desconhecido, Kim encontra uma prancha de snowboard antiga, começa a treinar e depressa percebe que tem um talento natural. Kim rapidamente chama a atenção do atraente Jonny, um dos seus patrões. Conseguirá ela superar as dificuldades, ser a campeã de snowboard e conquistar o amor da sua vida?
A working day in Austria, 2004. Nine modern working-class heroes are engaged in their daily struggle of survival, accompanied, motivated and influenced by the country’s most popular radio station.
Iris, a 28-year-old studentin a big city, recently left by her boyfriend and too poor to pay her rent, begins to work for a strange old man. He wants Iris to precisely describe the trivial belongings of a dead woman, packed in white boxes, to keep the memory of the woman alive. Iris is disgusted and fascinated at the same time; reflecting on an invisible person's traces, she slowly becomes aware of her own wounds.