Set in the year 2080, with the Earth ravaged by climate change, director Adeyemi Michael’s stark and powerful science-fiction drama tells the story of a desperate nomad who makes a discovery that leads to an unexpected mission and a chance for solace.
An African country teeters on the edge of civil war. A society prepares to drive out its colonial present and claim an independent future. Racial tensions boil over. Tshembe, returned home from England for his father’s funeral, finds himself in the eye of the storm.
The ruined aftermath of a bloody civil war. Ruthlessly fighting to survive, the Macbeths are propelled towards the crown by forces of elemental darkness. Shakespeare’s most intense and terrifying tragedy, directed by Rufus Norris, sees Rory Kinnear and Anne-Marie Duff return to the National Theatre to play Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
No fim da Guerra Civil Americana, Augusta (Brit Marling), sua irmã Louise (Hailee Steinfeld), e sua escrava Mad (Muna Otaru) estão sozinhas na fazenda. Todos os homens da propriedade foram lutar na guerra. Augusta adoece e precisa ir à cidade. Ela é perseguida por dois Yankees. Eles vão até a fazenda atrás dela. As mulheres precisam lutar com todas suas forças para sobreviver.