Peter McCandless


The Great 14th: Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama In His Own Words
Director of Photography
“The Great 14th: Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama In His Own Words", uniquely and exclusively features Tenzin Gyatso as both subject and narrator as he presents the full arc of his epic and very public life as the 14th Dalai Lama. Based on intimate conversations, it's a portrait both profound and inspiring.
Don't Expect Too Much
Dcoumentary about director/artist Nicholas Ray and his time as a University professor
Women of Tibet: A Quiet Revolution
Director of Photography
In 1959 thousands of unarmed Tibetan women took to the streets of Lhasa to oppose the violent Chinese occupation of their country. For the first time on film, three generations of Tibetan women and His Holiness the Dalai Lama recount one of the great movements of nonviolent resistance in modern history.
A Ponte
Director of Photography
A ponte Golden Gate, que atravessa a baía de San Francisco, é um dos mais importantes pontos turísticos dos Estados Unidos. Mas é também o lugar que registra o maior índice de suicídios do mundo. Durante o ano de 2004, o diretor registrou, dia após dia, a rotina nefasta desse cartão-postal. Além do movimento de carros, pedestres e turistas, ele filmou mais de vinte suicídios. O documentário flagra pessoas que sobem no parapeito da ponte e se atiram. O diretor vai então atrás de depoimentos de familiares e amigos dos suicidas para tentar entender seus motivos.
My Dubious Sex Drive
A 1995 independent comedy.