Barry McGovern

Barry McGovern


Barry McGovern


Sprachlos in Irland
Mr. O'Toole
For Connie, things have been going to plan for many years, both professionally and in her private life. That is, until the son of the CEO takes over the business, forcing new demands on the workforce. In future, English is to be the business language. English? Fluently? Not wanting to lose her job, Connie immediately signs up for an intensive English language course in Ireland. But the perfectionist is totally unprepared for her teacher Gillian, the warm-hearted, yet slightly chaotic and young-looking woman, who sees her main job as funeral director as a vocation. Connie also has her problems with her co-student, Max, a Tom Jones imitator, who is currently in Ireland to visit his 16-year-old daughter, Amy. Much to Connie's displeasure, the bon vivant is not interested in rules and regulations. Connie soon realizes that she is missing something more in her perfect life than speaking perfect English. But can she leave her life behind and risk taking the plunge into the great unknown?
Além das Montanhas
Na zona rural da Irlanda, Anthony e Rosemary estão apaixonados, mas seu amor é abalado por uma disputa territorial entre suas famílias, que são donas de fazendas vizinhas e disputam uma área intermediária que está entre as propriedades.
Royally Ever After
King Edmond
Sara's dream of finding the perfect mate is realized when boyfriend Daniel proposes marriage, but there is one tiny hitch. It turns out he is the real-life prince of a small European monarchy, and his marriage requires the approval of his royal parents. Commoner Sara will have to do more than simply impress the in-laws-to-be. If she wants to become Daniel’s wife, she’ll have to prove she’s got all the makings of an honest-to-goodness princess.
Citizen Lane
William Martin Murphy
Citizen Lane is an innovative mix of documentary and drama that delivers a vivid and compelling portrait of Hugh Lane, one of the most fascinating and yet enigmatic figures in modern Irish history. A man of multiple contradictions, by turns infuriatingly parsimonious or extraordinarily generous, a professed nationalist and a knight of the realm; a monumental snob and a fearless campaigner for access to the arts.
The Commandant
Father Eion O'Donnell is unambiguous about the need to use violence to force Britain out of Ireland. He influences a young impressionable boy, Antaine to fight in the 1916 Rising. Fifty years later Antaine arrives in Derry as an experienced gunman. This appearance throws Eoin back to the cause of his breakdown in 1916. Eoin's influence on young Antaine echoes in Antaine's dark influence on an Altar boy, Feidhlim.
Os Curados
Patrick Ryan
Uma contaminação que gerou uma praga zumbi é curada. É iniciado um processo de reintegrar os comedores de carne infectados anteriormente, mas a sociedade passa a discriminá-los, inclusive suas próprias famílias. Problemas sociais emergem, gerando uma interferência governamental militante.
Meu Nome É Emily
Dr. Golding
Emily (Evanna Lynch) é uma menina que passou a viver em um lar adotivo após seu pai ter sido internado por esclerose lateral amiotrófica. Sentindo-se sufocada em casa e sofrendo bullying na escola, ela pede a ajuda do amigo Arden (George Webster) para resgatar o pai do hospital e, juntos, acabam embarcando em uma viagem reveladora.
Waiting for Godot
Two tramps wait for a man named Godot, but instead meet a pompous man and his stooped-over slave.
O General
IRA Man 1
The real-life story of Dublin folk hero and criminal Martin Cahill, who pulled off two daring robberies in Ireland with his team, but attracted unwanted attention from the police, the I.R.A., the U.V.F., and members of his own team.
Um Milagre à Meia-Noite
Rabbi Ben Abrams
Uma família dinamarquesa tenta ajudar seus vizinhos judeus a escapar dos nazistas. Dramatiza a verdadeira história de como os cidadãos dinamarqueses ajudaram na fuga de 6.000 judeus da Dinamarca ocupada pelos nazistas em apenas um dia, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Concentra-se na história de Karl Koster e Doris Koster, um casal dinamarquês que arriscou tudo para trazer um plano surpreendente que salvou milhares de judeus dinamarqueses da deportação e assassinato pelos nazistas.
The Informant
Courtroom Judge
A former Irish Republican Army fighter, Gingy McAnally (Anthony Brophy), is reluctant about being called back into service after serving time in prison. He executes the grisly task but ends up captured by a sympathetic British police lieutenant named Ferris (Cary Elwes). The intimidating Chief Inspector of the Belfast Police (Timothy Dalton) convinces Gingy that his best hope is to become an informant and turn in other IRA operatives. As Gingy's marriage unravels under the stress, he is forced to come to terms with the fact that in this war both sides lose. Three men, three political circles, each fighting for their lives, each with their own agenda in the battle for Northern Ireland.
When Sarah walks alone along the desolate beach one day she find an unconscious man, who has been brought to land by the waves. When he awakens he doesn't remember anything. He has no name and no past. His dependence lies on Sarah. A role that makes her forget her loneliness and she decides to therefore lie about their situation... She says that they are situated on an island, where no one can reach them. From now, his life lies in her hands.
Coração Valente
King's Advisor
No século XIII, soldados ingleses matam a mulher do escocês William Wallace, bem na sua noite de núpcias. Para vingar a amada, ele resolve liderar seu povo em uma luta contra o cruel Rei inglês Edward I. Com a ajuda de Robert e Bruce, ele vai deflagrar uma violenta batalha com o objetivo de libertar a Escócia de uma vez por todas.
Um Sonho Distante
A trama se passa em 1892 e tem início na Irlanda. Joseph Donnelly é um jovem analfabeto que se revolta contra um poderoso proprietário de terras, por considerá-lo responsável pela morte de seu pai. Durante um duelo, uma jovem passa com uma carroça e salva a sua vida. Insatisfeitos com a vida que levavam, eles decidem partir para os Estados Unidos, atrás do sonho americano.
Blind Alley
An optician awakes from a bad dream to find himself in a living nightmare as he faces death-by-video.
The Treaty
Eamon de Valera
How the Anglo-Irish Treaty between the unrecognised Irish Republic, represented by Michael Collins, and the British government was concluded after high-stakes negotiations in 1921.
August Saturday
Grania did something 15 years ago that brought her great happiness but also great pain. The events of that day have been a heavy secret to bear that, if discovered, would devastate those closest to her.
Joe Contra o Vulcão
Luggage Salesman
Joe Banks (Tom Hanks) é um funcionário entediado de uma fábrica poluente. Sempre de mal humor, ele odeia seu trabalho e, para seu desespero, um dia descobre que tem uma doença terminal e está com os dias contados. É quando ele conhece um milionário disposto a mudar seu destino: Joe ganha uma vida de rei e a "morre como um homem", caso aceite se jogar dentro de um vulcão em erupção para apaziguá-lo. O ritual é tradição na ilha de Waponi Woo. Ao aceitar a proposta, Joe acaba entrando em tanta enrascada que o vulcão torna-se o menor de seus problemas.
Dear Sarah
Giuseppe Conlon
Giuseppe Conlon and his son Gerry are convicted of an IRA bombing as part of the Maguire Seven in 1976. Giuseppe diligently writes his wife Sarah as she works to free her family members from prison.
Katie: The Year of a Child
Katie, the 14-year-old daughter of a travelling family, is left in charge of an ailing mother and her nine brothers and sisters in Dublin whilst her father is in England seeking his fortune.