Lee Eunkyoung


Drive My Car
Associate Producer
Dois anos após a morte de sua esposa, Yusuke Kafuku recebe uma oferta para dirigir uma peça num festival de teatro em Hiroshima. Lá, ele conhece Misaki, uma jovem reservada, designada para ser sua motorista. Enquanto passam tempo juntos, Kafuku confronta o mistério de sua esposa que o assombra.
The Shuttle Run
The fair-skinned gym teacher keeps catching 13-year-old Byeo-ri’s eye, but it is difficult to approach the gym teacher as she is constantly surrounded by other students. On the day of the fitness test, Byeo-ri can’t tell whether her racing heart is because of the shuttle run or the gym teacher. The film delicately captures the 13-year-old’s emotions, which go high and low through the secret glances and the teacher’s smallest gestures.
A Record of Sweet Murder
Executive Producer
Sang-joon has recently escaped from a mental institution and managed to amass a kill count in the high teens, all while spewing nonsense about “the power of love”.