Laurence Ragon

Laurence Ragon


Laurence Ragon


A jornalista Anne está escrevendo um artigo para uma revista sobre estudantes que se prostituem. Logo, ela passa a conhecer o submundo da prostituição e ouve as experiências das universitárias Charlotte e Alicja.
O Tempo que Resta
Romain (Melvil Poupaud) é um fotógrafo de moda bem-sucedido. O problema é que ele está lutando contra um câncer. Enquanto percebe que está cada vez mais perto da morte, ao mesmo tempo em que se recusa a fazer quimioterapia, ele passa a tratar mal todos que estão ao seu redor, como o companheiro, os pais e a irmã.
The Grand Dukes
L'actrice en nuisette
Three aging and failed comedians, Georges Cox, Victor Vialat and Eddie Carpentier, hit the road again with a lousy production of a lousy play, of course under the worst possible conditions.
O Marido da Cabeleireira
Madame Gora
Antoine sempre foi fascinado pelo toque delicado de uma cabeleireira, pelo perfume sedutor e pela figura de uma mulher com um peito opulento; além disso, ele sabia que se casaria com uma, cumprindo seu sonho de um amor perfeito e idealizado.
In the hot summer of 1917, the nineteen-year-old peasant Georgy Zakareishvili left his village in search of work and, settling on a French ship, soon found himself in Paris, where he married a Frenchwoman. Modest wealth, beloved wife, sons and a faithful friend helped him to endure separation from his homeland. When the opportunity came to his homeland, George was already old and could not postpone the upcoming meeting with his native Georgia. He tried to convey his love to his grandson George: he sang folk songs, taught Georgian, talked about the people of his village. And now, in fulfillment of his grandfather’s orders, George the Younger took his ashes to his homeland...
A Escolha das Armas
Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired robber, Noel, who lives in comfort with his lovely and beloved wife, Nicole. The man dies, and Mickey, a menacing hothead, demands money of Noel. A few days later, Mickey returns to the estate, shoots up a dinner party and threatens them again. Noel sends Nicole to an hotel and goes to his old gang to help him hunt down the dangerous Mickey. Mickey has other problems, too, including heartache for a daughter he hardly knows. Young, eager cops tail Nicole, and all are on a complicated collision course.
O Quarto Verde
Julie Davenne
Inspired by three Henry James short stories, this is the story of a World War I veteran who works as an obituary writer at the newspaper. Worshipping his deceased wife, he is obsessed with the dead people in his life and soon intends to build a memorial to all of them.