Costume Designer
The story follows Dev, an obsessive fan who after a frustrating 5 year wait, abducts his favorite author, Arthur Williams, who has been trying to overcome writer's block. Inspired by the heroes in Arthur's novels, Dev 'takes action' and attempts to fulfill his desperate cravings by looking to discover Arthur's latest works. Driven out to the middle of nowhere, Arthur is blindfolded and strapped in the backseat of a car, Dev begins to pressure him into revealing his secrets. Things begin to take a turn when Dev suspects Arthur knows more than he should.
Costume Assistant
Com o retorno do Imperador Palpatine, todos voltam a temer seu poder e, com isso, a Resistência toma a frente da batalha que ditará os rumos da galáxia. Treinando para ser uma completa Jedi, Rey (Daisy Ridley) ainda se encontra em conflito com seu passado e futuro, mas teme pelas respostas que pode conseguir a partir de sua complexa ligação com Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), que também se encontra em conflito pela Força.
Second Assistant Director
Lily, a girl with a secret on the cusp of becoming a young woman, is faced with the greatest challenge of her young life.