George Innes

George Innes

Nascimento : 1938-03-08, London, England, UK


George Innes


Elizabeth: A Era de Ouro
Há quase três décadas no comando da Inglaterra, a Rainha Elizabeth I enfrenta ameaças ao seu poder, impostas por governos estrangeiros e pelo seu próprio país. Simultaneamente, o Rei da Espanha Felipe II, apoiado pelo Vaticano, planeja destronar a rainha e restaurar o catolicismo na nação britânica. Elizabeth se prepara para entrar em guerra, ao mesmo tempo em que luta contra uma paixão inesperada.
Stardust: O Mistério da Estrela
Esperando conquistar uma bela garota, Tristan promete dar-lhe uma estrela cadente. Mas ele vai ter a maior aventura de sua vida, quando descobre que a estrela é de fato uma beldade celestial chamada Yvaine. Quando a velha feiticeira Lamia tenta roubar a juventude de Yvaine, Tristan tem que protegê-la a todo custo.
Things to Do Before You're 30
A smart, sexy and poignantly accurate comedy drama about a group of twenty-something friends desperately resisting the inevitable - adulthood and responsibility.
Fugindo do Passado
Korean War veteran
O ex-agente da CIA Dean Cage está passando por um tratamento para se recuperar do trauma de ter presenciado o assassinato cruel de seu melhor amigo. Num dia, ao encontrar com sua namorada, a detetive Amy Knight, em um restaurante ele é confundido com um agente da CIA envolvido com o roubo de um experimento militar que funcionaria como uma espécie de "soro da verdade". Ele é raptado pelos verdadeiros ladrões, que injetam a droga em seu corpo, fazendo ele relembrar seu passado doloroso e ter dificuldades para distinguir a realidade da fantasia. Amy terá seis horas para encontrar o antídoto e salvar a vida de seu companheiro.
Mestre dos Mares: O Lado Mais Distante do Mundo
Joe Plaice, Able Seaman
Jack Aubrey é o capitão do H.M.S. Surprise, um dos principais navios de guerra da marinha britânica. Com seu país em guerra contra a França de Napoleão Bonaparte, Aubrey é atacado por um navio inimigo mais poderoso, que fere boa parte de sua tripulação e ainda danifica o navio. Aubrey então se sente dividido entre cumprir seu dever e tentar derrotar o inimigo ou retornar para cuidar dos feridos.
Last Orders
Jack Dodd was a London butcher who enjoyed a pint with his mates for over 50 years. When he died, he died as he lived, with a smile on his face watching a horse race on which he had bet, with borrowed money. But before he died he had a final request, 'Last Orders', that his ashes be scattered in the sea at Margate. The movie follows his mates, Ray, Lenny and Vic and his foster son Vince as they journey to the sea with the ashes. Along the way, the threads of their lives, their loves and their disappointments are woven together in their memories of Jack and his wife Amy
'Little Pete' Jones
The past catches up with a ruthlessly ambitious boxing promoter.
Morons from Outer Space
Stanley Benson
The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refueling station. On board are a group of four aliens, Bernard, Sandra, Desmond, and Julian. During a particularly tedious period of their stay at the station, the other three begin playing with the ship’s controls while Bernard is outside playing spaceball. They accidentally disconnect his part of the ship, leaving him stranded while they crash into a large blue planet close by...
Punição Para a Inocência
Archie Leach
Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to return an address book lost some time ago by Jack Argyle, only to find out that Jack has been executed for the murder of his mother. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent. In spite of opposition from a hostile family, he is determined to solve the crime.
A Caribbean Mystery
Edward Hillingdon
Aging Major Palgrave, an idiosyncratic but charming mystery writer, reveals to Miss Marple that one of the guests at a luxurious Caribbean resort they're staying at is a Bluebeard-type wife murderer. Unfortunately, the Major succumbs to an apparently accidental overdose of alcohol and blood pressure medication before revealing the killer's identity. When it's discovered that the medicine belonged to another guest and the revealing photograph the Major was carrying is missing, Miss Marple realizes that the serial killer has struck again and more murders will follow.
Ivanhoe, a worthy and noble knight, the champion of justice returns to England after the holy wars, and finds England under the reign of Prince John and his henchmen and finds himself being involved in the power-struggle for the throne of England.
Antony & Cleopatra
Octavius Caesar (later renamed Augustus Caesar, son of the murdered Julius Caesar), Marc Antony, and Lepidus form the triumvirate, the three rulers of the Roman Empire. Antony, though married to Fulvia, spends his time in Egypt, living a life of decadence and conducting an affair with Queen Cleopatra. In Antony's absence, Caesar and Lepidus worry about Pompey's increasing strength.
O Arqueiro e a Feiticeira
Mak the Master Bowman
A rugged warrior is on a quest to avenge his father's brutal slaying and in search of a legendary sorcerer who can help him. Joining him on his mission is a beautiful enchantress who is also searching for the sorcerer; pursuing him is a malevolent wizard who wants him dead.
A Tale of Two Cities
Jeremiah 'Jerry' Cruncher
Dissolute barrister Sydney Carton becomes enchanted and then hopelessly in love with the beautiful Lucie Manette. But Lucie loves and marries Charles Darnay, and remains oblivious to Carton's undimmed devotion to her. When Darnay is ensnared in the deadly web of the French Revolution and condemned to die by the guillotine, Sydney Carton concocts a dangerous plot to free the husband of the woman he loves.
Cafe Owner
Na Londres de 1964 Jimmy Cooper é um membro de uma gangue Mod - jovens bem vestidos que dirigem vespas Lambretta. Os mods estão sempre brigando com os Rockers, que vestem jaquetas de couro e dirigem motocicletas. Desiludido com seus pais e seu emprego, Jimmy só encontra uma válvula de escape para sua angústia adolescente quando está com seus amigos mods Dave, Chalky e Spider. Um feriado de três dias é a desculpa para a rivalidade entre as duas gangues chegar às vias de fato, enquanto ambas descem para a cidade litorânea de Brighton para o confronto definitivo.Quadrophenia é uma reflexão sobre a Grã-Bretanha pré-Tatcher, documentando o narcisismo movido a anfetaminas da cultura jovem dos anos 60. Em 2004 a revista Total Film elegeu Quadrophenia o 35º melhor filme britânico de todos os tempos.
A Touch of the Tiny Hacketts
Three a.m. A crash of breaking glass ... the slow creak of a door opening ... is it a burglar? Raymond Collis finds out the hard way.
The Odd Job
Arthur Harris is a happily married man who returns from his job to discover that his wife, Fiona, is leaving him. Devastated he gets really drunk and tries to commit suicide. After a few setbacks and while he is trying to electrocute himself with a lamp, the door bell rings. An odd man in a leather coat asks if there are any odd jobs that he can perform. Arthur hires the man to kill him. The next day his wife returns, but the man he hired is still trying to kill him...
O Toque da Medusa
Van Driver
Suspense psicológico sobre um romancista telecinético que causa desastres simplesmente pensando neles.
Sweeney 2
Pete Beale
The plot is set on a group of bank robbers, who are both violent and successful, strangely getting away each time with an amount around the £60,000 mark, and often leaving behind cash in excess of this sum. The robbers are willing to kill their own team, to get away. As Jack Regan himself puts it after the first raid in the film: "I've never seen so many dead people". Armed with gold-plated Purdey shotguns, they evaded Regan and the Flying Squad for quite some time, before Regan finds encouragement from his Detective Chief Superintendent who was sent down for corruption because Jack wouldn't testify in court for him.
Sweeney 2
The plot is set on a group of bank robbers, who are both violent and successful, strangely getting away each time with an amount around the £60,000 mark, and often leaving behind cash in excess of this sum. The robbers are willing to kill their own team, to get away. As Jack Regan himself puts it after the first raid in the film: "I've never seen so many dead people". Armed with gold-plated Purdey shotguns, they evaded Regan and the Flying Squad for quite some time, before Regan finds encouragement from his Detective Chief Superintendent who was sent down for corruption because Jack wouldn't testify in court for him.
The After Dinner Joke
A comic extravaganza about a young woman's adventures in the world of big business charity.
Teenager Jimmy's life begins to unravel after the death of his father. With his mother promiscuous and his new stepfather and stepbrother difficult to get along with, he begins to fall into a cycle of petty crime and self harm.
Uma Ponte Longe Demais
Sgt. Macdonald
Setembro de 1944, os Aliados confidencialmente mandam para a Normandia um grande grupo de soldados para a operação Market Garden, cuja intenção era dar um fim para a Segunda Guerra Mundial, invadindo a Alemanha e destruindo as indústrias de guerra do 3º Reich. Durante a operação, disparidades políticas no campo de batalha, mó sorte nas condições meteorológicas e falhas na inteligência levam ao desastre da missão. A história do mais trágico erro tático da Segunda Guerra Mundial, que custou a vida de muitos soldados.
Ticket collector
A quick drink in the buffet before going home. Freddie's nerves are taking a hammering lately; the economy is in dire trouble and who can blame a businessman for the occasional drink? His wife and mistress for a start.
Three Men in a Boat
Train Driver
One hot June day, three friends decide there is nothing they would like to do more than to get away from London. A boating holiday with lots of fresh air and exercise would be just the very thing, or so their doctors tell them. So, after debating the merits of hotel or camp beds and what to pack, they set off on their voyage - a trip up the Thames from Henley to Oxford - but very quickly find themselves ill-equipped for the trials of riverbank life.
Where the Action Is
A gambler is smuggled into a billionaire's house to undertake a gambling duel.
Joana, A Mulher Que Foi Papa
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
Bookshop Proprietor
A would be private eye gets mixed up in a smuggling case.
O Último Refúgio
Os moradores de uma pequena aldeia alemã no último vale que permanece intocado pela devastadora Guerra dos Trinta Anos tentam conviver em paz com um grupo de soldados que ocupam o vale. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Um Golpe à Italiana
Bill Bailey
Charlie Croker assume um plano complicado para roubar barras de ouro da Itália, bem debaixo dos narizes da polícia e da máfia. Ele reúne um peculiar grupo com os mais infames "hackers", ladrões de banco, sequestradores e motoristas de fuga.
Antes do Inverno Chegar
Comedy set in a refugee camp in occupied Austria after World War II. A shrewd multi-lingual interpreter who mediates between Russian and British military brass enters into a friendly rivalry with British Major Giles Burnside, who is in charge of assigning the displaced persons into either the American or Russian zones.
Charlie Bubbles
Garage Attendant
Charlie Bubbles, a writer, up from the working class of Manchester, England, who, in the course of becoming prematurely rich and famous, has mislaid a writer's basic tool – the capacity to feel and to respond. Now he must visit his estranged wife and son, whom he has set up on a farm outside his native city. His journey accidentally becomes an attempt to reestablish his connections with life, people, and his own history.
In Two Minds
Paul Morris
Kate, a young girl under psychiatric examination, suffers from a lack of confidence, self-esteem and self-control – telling of the “bad Kate” who commits immoral acts. Could the hypocrisy, selfishness and weakness of those around her have led to this state of mind or can Kate simply be diagnosed and dismissed as a schizophrenic?
O Mundo Fabuloso de Billy Liar
O preguiçoso e irresponsável Billy Fisher trabalha como assistente em uma funerária no norte da Inglaterra. Seus devaneios constantes e histórias desprovidas de verdade são a causa das más decisões que afastam seus amigos e familiares, que o apelidam de “Billy Mentiroso.”