Mart Ratassepp

Mart Ratassepp


Mart Ratassepp


Último Sentinela
Director of Photography
Depois de servir dois anos em um posto militar no meio do oceano, quatro soldados aguardam uma nova tripulação para substituí-los. Quando o tão esperado barco finalmente aparece, ele está vazio e sem nenhum alívio a bordo. Ao tentar descobrir o que aconteceu com o barco e a tripulação desaparecida, eles percebem que perderam todas as comunicações com a casa. Isolados do resto do mundo e sem ninguém vindo buscá-los, Baines, Sullivan, Cassidy e Hendrichs devem lutar contra as suspeitas uns dos outros e encontrar uma nova maneira de voltar para casa. Se a casa ainda existir.
FRESH BLOOD: With the Best Intentions
Director of Photography
Five fresh short films on the theme "With the best intentions" from even fresher Estonian directors.
Director of Photography
A man falls off a roof. Another one drowns. Another catches fire. Wherever you look, men are dropping like flies. “May God rest their souls,” sigh the widows as they cross themselves somberly. This is the life and the death of the men in Virago—a village where for centuries no man has lived long enough to see his fortieth birthday. Until today.
Dearest Sister
Director of Photography
A village girl travels to the Lao capital, Vientiane, to care for her rich cousin who has lost her sight and gained the ability to communicate with the dead.
Alien or: Valdis' Escape in 11 Chapters
After being whacked on the head with a shovel, Valdis no longer shows interest in the things that used to make his life worthwhile: alcohol, techno, cars and fights. His friends desperately try to help him regain his memory, but nothing works.