Fati Farari, a black man from Africa, is completing his studies in classical piano at the Music Academy of Prague. It's the day before his first solo concert, where he is going to play Bach. While he strolls around the city he is thinking, not so much about the concert as about himself, both as a lonely foreigner and as a human being in cosmos. Here and there he encounters some racist comments, but mostly he just feels the weight of social exclusion because of his otherness, especially when it comes to women. On the morning of the day for his concert the embassy informs him that his whole family has perished. He feels totally broken, although he thinks that everyone holds some pain inside. His piano teacher, a professor at the Academy, looks him up, and tells him that he heard what has happened. The professor advises him to communicate his feelings that evening by using his Bach.
Uma pequena cidade é de um dia visitada por um padre que está lá numa missão secreta. Ele é um membro da Inquisição enviado para investigar as atividades de um moleiro local. O moleiro e seu filho são descendentes duma antiga família cuja casa ancestral foi incendiada há um século, mas foi reconstruida a partir do zero. O moleiro herdou muito do seu conhecimento sobre a terra, a água, e estabilidade de edifícios de gerações de experiência familiar. A fama dele em água e prever quando uma estrutura poderá entrar em colapso chamaram a atenção da Inquisição - certamente ele deve estar aliado com o Diabo.