Ricardo Silveira


Worshipers of a satanic cult perform a ritual that releases a murderous demon.
Worshipers of a satanic cult perform a ritual that releases a murderous demon.
Fatman e Robada
Comissário Gordo
Bored with his mediocre life, millionaire BRAULIO GROSELHA has a strange dream, where a masked figure urges him to fight crime using the code name FATMAN. He summons his butler, Mongogildo, as his new partner: ROBADA. The dynamic duo soon becomes a sensation in the fight against crime and the target of the evil plans of Dr. Gore and his henchman KARAS. After challenging Karas and his Ninja helpers, Fatman and Robada must face Dr. Gore's new creation: the gigantic Monster-Chicken!
Edgar e o Corvo
Music Director
Curta experimental feito com as sobras de um longa não finalizado baseado na obra de Edgar Allan Poe