Robert Meyer Burnett

Robert Meyer Burnett

Nascimento : 1967-05-15, Seattle, Washington, USA


Robert Meyer Burnett (born May 15, 1967) is an American filmmaker, DVD producer and YouTuber.


Robert Meyer Burnett


Tango Shalom
Quando um dançarino de tango pede a um rabino para entrar em uma competição de dança, há um grande problema – devido às suas crenças ortodoxas, ele não tem permissão para tocá-la! Mas o dinheiro do prêmio salvaria sua escola da falência, então eles desenvolvem um plano para entrar na competição sem sacrificar sua fé, e os laços de família e comunidade são testados um passo de dança deslumbrante por vez nesta fábula alegre.
Tango Shalom
Quando um dançarino de tango pede a um rabino para entrar em uma competição de dança, há um grande problema – devido às suas crenças ortodoxas, ele não tem permissão para tocá-la! Mas o dinheiro do prêmio salvaria sua escola da falência, então eles desenvolvem um plano para entrar na competição sem sacrificar sua fé, e os laços de família e comunidade são testados um passo de dança deslumbrante por vez nesta fábula alegre.
Movie Trailers: A Love Story
Since their creation in 1913, movie trailers and the audience have shared a special relationship that has grown and evolved as the trailers themselves have over the years. This relationship has its euphoric highs to it's frustrating lows. But like any great romance, the trailer and the audience always find their way back to each other.
Movie Trailers: A Love Story
Since their creation in 1913, movie trailers and the audience have shared a special relationship that has grown and evolved as the trailers themselves have over the years. This relationship has its euphoric highs to it's frustrating lows. But like any great romance, the trailer and the audience always find their way back to each other.
Sky Fighter
Two pilots fight a war in the distant future in their fighter-bomber spacecraft. But is their enemy the alien opponent, or each other?
I Know Where Lizzie Is
When 15-year-old Lizzie is kidnapped, her friendly but divorced parents Judith and Martin are devastated. The police can't find the girl but Tracy Spencer comes forward claiming she's a psychic and knows where Lizzie is. Judith is elated, but it soon becomes clear that Tracy has an agenda of her own.
Reunification - 25 Years After Star Trek: The Next Generation
Reunification: 25 Years After Star Trek – The Next Generation is a 61-minute documentary celebrating the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
The Halloween Kid
Executive Producer
Henry is a lonely child who lives for his favourite holiday.
Colinas de Sangue
Há muitos anos, um filme de terror cujo assassino usava uma máscara de bebê foi considerado o longa-metragem mais assustador já feito. Só que, misteriosamente, ele parou de ser exibido, e o diretor desapareceu. Tyler é obcecado em descobrir o desfecho do longa e de seu criador, por isso reúne um grupo para ir atrás da filha do cineasta. Quando a encontra, ela lhes diz que a localização do filme, o que os leva a uma casa na floresta, e um novo filme de terror, estrelado por aqueles que só queriam assisti-lo, começa.
Requiem for Krypton: Making 'Superman Returns'
A detailed behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of Superman Returns.
Requiem for Krypton: Making 'Superman Returns'
A detailed behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of Superman Returns.
O Agente Teen 2: Missão Londres
O Agente Cody Banks vai para a Inglaterra com a missão de prender um cientista malvado que roubou um equipamento de controle da mente com o objetivo de controlar o mundo! Disfarçado de aluno de uma escola de elite, o mais jovem agente da CIA trabalha em conjunto com a agente mais sexy de Londres para deter esse louco antes que os líderes mundiais sejam todos transformados em zumbis!
The Music of Valley Girl
A retrospective of the music featured in the 1983 film Valley Girl.
Valley Girl: 20 Totally Tubular Years Later
A retrospective of the 1983 film "Valley Girl," featuring interviews with the cast and crew.
O Agente Teen
Para sua família e amigos, Cody Banks é um adolescente típico que adora andar de skate, odeia fazer a lição de matemática e se sente um idiota completo na presença de garotas. Porém, Cody tem um segredo: ele faz parte de um programa de agentes secretos adolescentes da CIA e conta com cinco anos de treinamento.
X-Men: The Uncanny Suspects
The short documentary about X-Men movie is featured on the X-Men 1.5 DVD.
Keyser Soze, Lie or Legend - Featurette
Featurette in which director Bryan Singer tells more about the mysterious criminal Keyser Soze.
Round Up: Deposing 'The Usual Suspects'
Documentary that includes interviews with Singer as well as the rest of the cast - mainly Spacey. There is no "plot" or "promotional" elements to this documentary - all of the information offered is substantial and informative as we are let in on all the details of trying to seek out the right actors for the parts, as well as the thoughts of the actors about joining an independent production helmed by a young director. Part 2 is a more interesting look at the production itself, complete with the problems and obstacles that faced the low-budget feature, as well as the happier memories of the work that the cast and crew went through. There's a lot of discussion of the infamous laughter during the lineup sequence, complete with a few outtakes of the scene.
The Making of TRON
This made-for-video documentary treats science fiction fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Tron, Disney's classic live-action film about a programmer who must fight for his life against killer programs after being pulled inside of his company's computer. Includes interviews with the cast and crew of the film who share their experiences from working on this unique project, as well as discuss the special efforts that went into bringing it to completion.
Noah might have traveled for 40 days and nights in search of land, but did he ever wait 42 straight days and nights for a movie? Starwoids tells the stranger than fiction details of Star Wars fans (A.K.A. Starwoids) and their six week-line-waiting quest to see Episode I - The Phantom Menace on opening day.
The Specials
Associate Producer
America's 7th Best Superhero Team, the Specials, are a group of geeks and oddballs. We get to see one day in their lives as fan and new member Nightbird joins the group, just in time for the group to get a new line of action figures. But the members' extreme personalities and personal issues threaten to rip the group apart.
The Specials
Hazmat Recovery Team
America's 7th Best Superhero Team, the Specials, are a group of geeks and oddballs. We get to see one day in their lives as fan and new member Nightbird joins the group, just in time for the group to get a new line of action figures. But the members' extreme personalities and personal issues threaten to rip the group apart.
Free Enterprise
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.
Free Enterprise
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.
Free Enterprise
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.
It's Not Real Until You Shoot It: Making HILLS RUN RED
Documentary on the making of Warner Premiere and Dark Castle's The Hills Run Red
It's Not Real Until You Shoot It: Making HILLS RUN RED
Documentary on the making of Warner Premiere and Dark Castle's The Hills Run Red