Greg Kochan


Don't Let the Riverbeast Get You!
Special Effects Makeup Artist
In this campy throwback to 1950s monster films, a vicious monster, the Riverbeast, has arisen from its watery lair to terrorize a peaceful New England town. Local tutor Neil Stuart has seen the beast before, but nobody believed his story, making him the town laughingstock. Neil sets out to not only prove that the Riverbeast exists, but also, with the help of his beautiful pupil, scrappy tutor buddies, and a former professional athlete, to vanquish the aquatic menace!
Special Effects
Opening with torch-wielding villagers and a wall bleeding oil, this experimental film attaches vivid scenery and strange characters to the wonderful melodic wavelengths of the band Animal Collective, revitalizing the lost form of the "visual album."
Mal e Violência 2: Sofrimento
Special Effects
Continuação do filme premiado Malevolence, Sofrimento conta o relato de Martin Bristol, um garoto de seis anos seqüestrado em seu balanço no quintal e forçado a testemunhar os crimes brutais de um louco perturbado.