Valerio Stati


Si vive una volta sola
Production Manager
Umberto, Lucia and Corrado discover that their co-worker and friend Umberto is terminally ill, but they can't bring themselves to tell him. They decide instead to organize him an unforgettable holiday trip to the South.
Missão: Impossível 3
Third Assistant Director
O agente secreto Ethan Hunt volta a reunir-se com sua equipa de agentes. A sua missão é recuperar e destruir um vírus mortal desenvolvido por australianos, antes que este caia nas mãos erradas.
The Goodbye Kiss
Unit Production Manager
Leftist radical-turned-terrorist Giorgio—who fled to Latin America in the '70s to escape justice—decides to surrender after hearing about the fall of the Berlin Wall. Determined to lead a comfortable, bourgeois life in his native Italy, he cuts a deal with a shady police chief, getting his sentence reduced in exchange for ratting out former comrades. Once released, Giorgio obsessively pursues his dream of becoming a "respectable" citizen, even if the way is paved with larceny, pimping, drug-dealing, rape, heist, and murder...