Dara, the actress who returned for her latest horror film 'Boneka Arwah' after her divorce from her husband Darius had put an end to her career. One day, their son, Embun died and both of them felt sad. The two of them together with Jenny, Dara's assistant, finally found a way out until Embun appeared through Dara's own new doll property.
Nas colinas desertas de uma ilha na Indonésia, Marlina, uma jovem viúva, é atacada, estuprada e roubada de seu gado. Para se defender, ela mata vários homens da quadrilha. Buscando justiça, ela segue uma jornada de empoderamento e redenção. Mas a estrada é longa, especialmente quando o fantasma de sua vítima sem cabeça começa a assombrá-la. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Mahasiswa Senior
Jemi is a slacker whose about to get dropped out from his campus - thanks for years of repeating the classes. His one-track mind gets him to no other subjects than scoring chicks. In his final semester, Lea comes along as the new hot mentor. The old-fashioned pretty girl quickly steals Jemi's heart. Lea and Jemi makes pact: he will teach her to be cool, and she will teach him how to pass the exams. However, Jemi also makes another pact with the devil named Dr. M, who guarantees that Jemi will never pass the test unless Lea becomes his second wife. Campus life will never be the same again.