Judi Bowker

Judi Bowker

Nascimento : 1954-04-06, Shawford, Hampshire, England, UK


Judi Bowker is an English film and television actress, known for Clash of the Titans (1981) and Brother Sun, Sister Moon (1972)


Judi Bowker


Feast of Varanasi
An investigator is dispatched to Varanasi to look into a series of grisly murders.
10 Arenas of Marwood
Marwood has become addicted to running a clinic that treats addiction. He decides to solve his problems with landlords, the taxman, and the authorities by making a film about them. But first, he must confront the nature of his own addiction.
O Declínio dos Anos Dourados
Lady Lilburn,Olivia
1913, shortly before the outbreak of WWI. A group of aristocrats gathers at the estate of Sir Randolph Nettleby for a weekend shoot. As the terminal decrepitude of a dying class is reflected in the social interactions and hypocrisy of its members, only world weary Sir Randolph seems to realise that the sun is setting.
Anna Karenina
Tragic Anna leaves her cold husband for dashing Count Vronsky in 19th-century Russia.
Dangerous Corner
Betty Whitehouse
An unexpected suicide prompts much speculation about honesty and theft.
Fúria de Titãs
Deuses do Olimpo, terríveis monstros mitológicos e heróis mortais fazem deste espetáculo de imaginação uma aventura imperdível. Harry Hamlin é Perseu, o filho mortal de Zeus (Laurence Olivier), que luta para salvar a vida da princesa Andrômeda (Judi Bowker) do monstro marinho Kraken. Para tal, ele precisa de uma arma tão letal quanto difícil de conseguir: A cabeça de Medusa! Acompanhado de um grupo de corajosos guerreiros e montado no fabuloso Pegasus, o cavalo alado, Perseu parte em uma aventura sem precedentes pelas terras fantásticas da mitologia grega.
Count Dracula
Wilhelmina Westenra
Um clássico cult dos anos setenta, considerado uma das adaptações mais fiéis ao romance "Drácula" de Bram Stoker. Feito pela TV britânica, o milenar conto vampírico desenrola-se com Jonathan Harker visitando o conde da Transilvânia para ajudá-lo com os preparativos para ir a Inglaterra. No castelo do Conde (este interpretado magnificamente por Louis Jourdan), Jonathan torna-se um prisioneiro e aos poucos descobre a verdadeira natureza de seu sanguinário anfitrião...
East of Elephant Rock
Eve Proudfoot
In 1948, a new British governor takes over a Far Eastern colony after his predecessor is murdered by terrorists.
The Country Party
Emma Elkinson
Comedy drama written by Brian Clark.
Hindle Wakes
Beatrice Farrar
In the best play of 1912, the conventional morals and manners of a North England mill town are overthrown by a young woman with ideas far ahead of her time.
O Retrato De Dorian Gray
Sibyl Vane
In Victorian England, handsome Dorian Gray (Peter Firth) makes a Faustian deal that his portrait painted by Basil Hallward (Jeremy Brett) will age while he remains young. But his vain bargain eventually leads to murder and destroys Gray's life. This 1976 installment of the BBC's long-running "Play of the Month" television series co-stars Gwen Ffrangcon Davies, Judi Bowker and John Gielgud as Lord Henry Wotton.
The Saturday Party
Emma Elkinson
Richard and Jane Elkinson are having their annual Christmas party. Only trouble is stockbroker Richard's been made redundant and, as the night wears on, the guests are becoming less tactful
In This House of Brede
Philippa Talbot is a talented London businesswoman who has decided to give up her position and power to become a nun. The man who loves her is in shock over her departure from his life. When Philippa arrives at Brede, a cloistered Benedictine monastery, the abbess who was responsible for convincing her to enter this vocation suddenly dies. Her successor is Catherine, a sensitive leader who's the first to tell the newcomer to the community that all nuns are to love without a preference for one over another. This becomes very difficult when Joanna, a young nun, singles Sister Philippa out and grows very attached to her.
South Riding
An adaptation of Winifred Holtby's classic novel
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Musical version of the story in which Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
Irmão Sol, Irmã Lua
Klara von Assisi
A trajetória da vida de São Francisco de Assis (Graham Faulkner), que quando jovem era filho de comerciantes ricos e desfrutava de vinho, mulheres e canções sem ter nenhuma preocupação. Quando a guerra e a doença assolam a região onde vive, ele sofre uma grande transformação. Ao aparecer diante do bispo local e tirar suas roupas renuncia sua vida prévia para se dedicar a Deus. Mas sua pregação só iria chegar ao ápice ao ir para Roma, para ter uma audiência com o papa Inocêncio III (Alec Guinness).
The Princess And The Pea
A telling of the famous fairy tale with actors and voice over