Salomon Perel (Marco Hofschneider), um jovem judeu, foge com a família para a Polônia às vésperas da Segunda Guerra Mundial. A casa da família é invadida, mas ele consegue fugir levando o irmão, Isaak (René Hofschneider). Os dois se separam e Sallomon acaba se passando por membro da Juventude Hitlerista para manter-se vivo. Baseado numa história real.
Otto Scheidel (Manfred Krug) has been captain of the Elbe steamer Jenissei for over twenty years, but his ship, the last of its kind, is going to be converted into a floating restaurant. Otto, whose his strong attachment to the ship has already cost him his relationship with his girlfriend Caramba (Renate Krößner), refuses to take another job and instead joins a railway construction brigade.
Alma Krause is the proud owner of a thoroughbred French bully. Even otherwise, she nurses and harbors several two- and four-legged friends in her apartment - just as one would expect from a veterinarian's widow. Her nephew Heinz, on the other hand, is kind of beaten. Not as for the love of animals, that would fit badly to a nascent vet, but for a small animal practice, as the blessed uncle operated, he seems to have no ambitions. A future as a "Bazillenscheuche" in the cowshed would like to spare him again Aunt Alma. And she takes her appropriate action.