9 year-old Sarah is quietly discovering love when an assault derails her sexual awakening. Summer 2000 is an intimate and delicate tale in which the play between different mediums offers an insight into gender performativity and consent.
In a strange and haunted setting, verses are lost, like an echo that nobody can seem to hear. The grainy, blurry images shot with the Super 8 camera and a soundtrack seeming to come from the far ends of the universe give the words of Laurence Olivier the feeling of some alien poem. As if the Other – ghosts or beings from another world – could also be transported by love and loss, by the impoverishment of the imagination and the transience of the material world. The invisible presence of ghosts seems to have found a witness here.
A young woman finds herself spiraling after the death of her father.
Em uma pequena cidade remota, um jovem de 21 anos morre no que parece ser um acidente de carro. A partir daí, os habitantes locais são assolados por um temperamento perturbador. Enquanto a família da vítima está de luto e o tempo perde todo o sentido, vultos estranhos começam a emergir do nevoeiro.