Gerardo Orchard


A Dançarina e o Ladrão
Com a chegada da democracia, o presidente do Chile decreta uma anistia geral para todos os presos sem delito com sangue. O jovem Ángel Santiago (Abel Ayala) é um deles, mas agora ele está decidido a se vingar dos abusos sexuais que sofreu no cárcere. Além disso, ele planeja um ambicioso e arriscado assalto; para tanto terá de contar com a ajuda de Nicolás Vergara Grey (Ricardo Darín), um famoso ladrão de bancos que evita tal reputação porque busca reconquistar sua família. O plano parece perfeito, mas tudo se complica quando entra na história a bela Victoria, uma misteriosa bailarina cujos pais foram assassinados pela ditadura de Pinochet.
The Good Life
Operario resaca
In the city of Santiago, four characters struggle to reach their goals: a psychologist who wants to help other women and save their lives, a hairdresser who wants to buy a car, a musician who wants to play in a philharmonic orchestra, and a young woman who simply survives in the city, but each of them obtains something unexpected and different from what they wanted.
A Cab for Three
Cabdriver Julián Castro
A taxi driver is given a difficult choice from 2 small time crooks: drive them around while they rob, or get locked up in the trunk.
El vecino
A young artist starts a friendship with his neighbour, a criminal who, tormented because of one of his crimes, seeks forgiveness.
Este mar sabe demasiado, Takilleitor
Sussi comes to the big city to find love and success.
Imagen latente
In the late 1980s, a politically neutral photographer in Pinochet's Chile is still struggling to come to terms with the "disappearance" of his activist brother in the Villa Grimaldi torture centre back in 1975.