George Johnsen


A guerra das comidas
Quem seria capaz de imaginar que à noite, depois que os funcionários já foram embora, os produtos do supermercado ganham vida e se transformam completamente? Pois é isso que acontece neste lugar. Além da bagunça, os produtos precisam ficar atentos à chegada da vilã Lady X, que chegou às prateleiras com seus servos.
Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big
Edwurd Fudwupper spends all his time cooking up big fibs. But one day, he tells such a humdinger that the army, the air force and the dog catcher are called to try to reverse the damage wrought. An unlikely heroine comes to his rescue.
Babylon 5: The Gathering
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The first installment of this Emmy award-winning series. A movie based at Babylon 5: a new space station built by Humans. The Vorlon ambassador, Kosh, has been poisoned. It is the new commanding officer's, Jeffrey Sinclair, responsibility to find the culprit. Otherwise the space station will fail in its role to bring all the races together.
Music Editor
In a small town in rural Kansas, a troubled veteran attempts to restore an old merry-go-round ride.