Willem de Zwijger
Sylvia has turned a blind eye for too long to husband Eddie's flourishing drug business. When his dealing takes a (deadly) turn for the worse, however, her need to protect the lives and futures of her young children compel her to flee. But Eddie will stop at nothing to keep his wife inside the ‘family'.
A chance meeting between Nicolai and Nina, a friend from the past, makes Nicolai return to an abandoned hotel in which, many years ago, he experienced his only love, full of tragedy and an overwhelming feeling.
Hotel manager
A movie about a deaf-mute night gatekeeper of a hotel where strange things happen.
Morrison is a pathetic little boy of five years. A very happy little boy until the new baby comes. Because there is no place for Morrison, then to his aunt in the convent. Morrison makes every effort to prevent it. First he runs away, but if that fails he has a better plan. Not he should go, the baby must go. And that plan succeeds. All great people are in panic.
Jack Sikora (David Bowie), o mair notório forasteiro do Velho Oeste, chega a Basin Field para matar um homem - o legendário pistoleiro Johnny Lowen (Harvey Keitel). Renomado em todo o território, Lowen nunca perder um duelo, mas depois de 20 anos de aventura e fama, ele retornou para fazer as pazes com a sua família, e especialmente, consigo mesmo. Entretanto, Sikora não está disposto a deixar que o rival se aposente e, por mais que Lowen resista, o sanguinário assassino pretende provocá-lo até que um confronto final revel, de uma vez por todas, quem é o atirador mais rápido do Oeste.
An exiled magician finds an opportunity for revenge against his enemies muted when his daughter and the son of his chief enemy fall in love in this uniquely structured retelling of the 'The Tempest'.
Slapstick by the director of The Taste of Water also a film within a film. Boy, otherwise known as the shy actor Pim, runs a financially unsuccessful service station somewhere in the desert. His life is severely disrupted when he gets a professional competitor. The film is a homage to the silent film hero Buster Keaton.
Has is a strange kid: at school he's a nice student but at home he's dominating his parents... .
De Wisselwachter
Uma mulher sai de um comboio por engano e encontra-se sozinha com um homem peculiar que nem sequer fala a sua língua.
Zijn Broer
Esse drama narra a vida de dois irmãos que vivem em uma região pacata da Holanda. Um deles sonha com as luzes da ribalta e com a possibilidade de ser um 'show-man'. O outro, deficiente mental, se satisfaz com sua rotina tranqüila, cômoda, onde possa ser apenas o que é. Numa analogia à história de Caim e Abel, o roteiro mostra a inevitabilidade dos conflitos entre os dois para que possam realizar seus respectivos desejos. Sem diálogos, o roteiro exprime com brilhantismo o mundo desses dois irmãos, marcado pelos sussurros, grunhidos e lamentações.