Documentário em que são abordados cronologicamente os principais acontecimentos que marcaram o país e a sociedade portuguesa nos anos de 1974 e 1975. A decadência do regime Marcelista, a Revolução do 25 de Abril de 74, o período conturbado do Processo Revolucionário Em Curso (PREC), o fracasso do Golpe de 25 de Novembro de 75. Um programa produzido com base em imagens de arquivo, intercaladas com depoimentos de alguns dos intervenientes nos acontecimentos dessa época, para assinalar os 20 anos da Revolução dos Cravos.
Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, daughter of the founder of the newspaper "Diário de Notícias", married to Alfredo da Cunha, then director of this newspaper, and mother of José, who is 20. This educated, cultured woman, falls in love with the chauffeur, who is youger than her and from a different social background. This passion leads to confronting the established order of things and the standards of social behaviour of a wife and mother. She may at the same time be heroine and victim of her own courage in deciding to make a final break from the whole family status and run off with the chauffeur. When his wife runs off with the chauffeur, Alfredo da Cunha with the aid of some of the eminent doctors of the day, has her declared irresponsible and incapable of administering her assets, and on this pretext he has her inprisoned in a mental hospital.