Baptiste Jourdan


The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
Assistant Location Manager
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
Not My Type
Location Manager
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
Jovem Mulher
Unit Manager
Após o fim do relacionamento de dez anos com o namorado, Paula anda pelas ruas de Paris sem saber o que a vida lhe reserva a seguir. Aos 31 anos, com pouco mais que um gato raptado e um espírito aventureiro, ela tenta se reinventar, mas descobre que é mais complicado do que parece.