

Attack of the Giant Teacher
ATTACK OF THE GIANT TEACHER is a classic style tokusatsu film that tells the story of Kenzo Miyazawa, an earnest teacher who works at a night school. His class is filled with unique and slightly odd students. Suddenly, the night school witnesses a drop in student numbers and has no choice but to shut down by the end of the year. Mr. Miyazawa’s class decides to create a musical for the school’s last festival. Then, an alien beast invades Earth and begins destroying the town. Mr. Miyazawa challenges the alien beast to a fight.
Open Marriage: Aru Fuufu no Katachi
Ayaka (Masami Ichikawa) is a full-time housewife in her fifth year of marriage. Her husband, Shingo, was busy working at a publishing company and lived a rustic life and a sexless couple life. At one point, Shingo's women's magazine featured "Open Marriage," a new marriage style for married couples. "Open marriage", which was advocated in the 1970s, was that if there was mutual agreement, we could freely have a relationship with other opposite sex. Shingo, who was requested by the editor-in-chief for an experience report, managed to persuade Ayaka ... After that, the two who found each other's sexual partners, with the excitement born from jealousy, disappeared from sexlessness and began to demand each other's bodies violently.
Ecstasy Killer
Female security guard Kira (Kizuna Sakura) is kidnapped and raped by a mysterious masked man shortly after kissing her lover Makoto, who is in love with her in the office, at midnight. However, when Kyura, who could not resist and continued to be fucked, returned to me, the man who had been committing himself until a while ago had died by his side. Then, when I returned to my house while being consciously disappointed, the scientist's father, Jouichiro, showed the whole story in the video of the surveillance camera, and talked about a certain mission that I worked with my mother's Sae (Yukine Sakuragi) You will be asked to know the secret of your birth...