Hyun Jee-yoon


Expresso do Amanhã
Dialogue Editor
Os únicos sobreviventes de uma tentativa falhada de conter o aquecimento global vivem num gigantesco comboio, cujas carruagens, divididas por classes sociais, estratificam e determinam a condição de cada passageiro.
Miracle in Cell No. 7
Dialogue Editor
Lee Yong Goo tem a mente de uma criança de seis anos, que na verdade é a idade de sua filha, Ye Sung. Um dia a filha de um chefe de polícia morre em um estranho acidente e Yong Goo é acusando e sentenciado a morte por sequestro, agressão sexual e assassinato de um menor.
Mr. XXX-Kisser
Dialogue Editor
Oh Dong-sik is the completely rigid character who has always led a text-book life. Dong-sik is threatened by loan sharks when his mother signs up for a private loan in order to advance Dong-sik’s father’s promotion into the principal position. Dong-sik decides to become the best insurance seller in his newly transferred insurance sales team, but sales is a major challenge for the completely tactless and obstinate Dong-sik. Then one day, Dong-sik has a chance encounter with Hyugosoo, the legendary ‘master of tongue’ of insurance sales industry. Hyugosoo bends his rules and accepts Dong-sik as his pupil, and Dong-sik begins to learn Hyugosoo’s secrets of flattery after a great struggle. Will his teachings indeed reinvent Dong-sik into ‘Mr. Ass-Kisser’?
Dialogue Editor
A beat cop and his rookie partner investigate a series of killings that seem to be carried out by a mysterious wolfdog.
Dialogue Editor
Sung-Bum (Uhm Tae-Woong) is a hot-tempered detective who relies on his intuition to crack cases. He rarely comes across a case that he cannot solve. The body of a police officer is then discovered in a burned out car near an abandoned building. Drugs are also found near the dead officer. To catch the killer the police department sets up a special investigation unit for the case. Sung-Bum takes part in the investigation. Ho-Ryong (Joo Won) is a young, confident man who works as a criminal profiler. He trained with the F.B.I. in the United States. Ho-Ryong is also assigned to the special investigation unit. Ho-Ryong relies on evidence rather than instinct. Detective Sung-Bum takes an immediate dislike for Ho-Ryong.
A Guerra das Flechas
Dialogue Editor
Em 1636 aconteceu a segunda invasão dos bárbaros vindos da Manchúria ao território coreano. Treze anos antes, após a revolta do reino de Injo, os irmãos Nam-i e Ja-in ficam órfãos e vão morar no interior. No dia do casamento de Ja-in com Seo Goon, a vila é devastada pelos invasores, e muitos coreanos são aprisionados e escravizados. Nam-i, sozinho, parte no encalço do exército manchuriana para resgatar sua irmã.