Ruggero Peruzzi


Wardrobe Designer
Uma Antígona destemida, recusando-se a permitir que o corpo de seu irmão assassinado Polinices seja devorado por abutres e cães, desafia o tirano Creonte ao enterrá-lo. Como punição, Creonte ordena que a filha rebelde de Édipo seja sepultada viva, para que não semeie a insurreição entre o povo.
Who Is Afraid Of Dracula?
Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!
Ghost Captain
Assistant Costume Designer
A disgraced member of the Spanish Navy must redeem his family's honor after his father betrays his country to the French.
Milady and the Musketeers
Costume Design
Very stylish Italian swashbuckler - The Three Musketeers from the viewpoint of Milady de Winter