Alexandra Pavlova


Surfer and dreamer hitching a ride to get to the ocean. He tries to catch a radio wave and dreams of a sea wave.... Everyone is rushing to the ocean, and the car skids around the corners. Surfing on sound waves begins long before arriving at the coast.
Running, Running Through the Exhibition
An animated jam in which different authors selected art objects and brought them to life.
Based on Graphics by Roland Topor
New animated film by students of the Studio Shar.
Based on Graphics by Roland Topor
New animated film by students of the Studio Shar.
Based on Graphics by Roland Topor
New animated film by students of the Studio Shar.
O Nariz ou A Conspiração dos Dissidentes
Graphic Designer
Nessa mistura de animação e ópera, acompanhamos o século 20 na Rússia e o reinado de terror de Josef Stalin por meio de fragmentos inspirados no clássico O Nariz, escrito por Nikolai Gógol em 1836. Com trilha da obra homônima da década de 1920 do compositor Dmitri Shostakovitch, a narrativa combina cenários históricos, biografias de importantes personagens da época e obras-primas de artistas, compositores e escritores russos de vanguarda que viveram durante esse período de totalitarismo.