Nikolas Konstantinou


Como Fazer Sexo
Sound Recordist
Três adolescentes britânicas partem para uma férias cheias de rito de passagem - discotecas, bebendo e namorando, naquele que deveria ser o verão das suas vidas.
Happy Moments
During the years of occupation in Greece, little Loukas is abused by his wandering father, by his fat classmate and his mother is unable to offer him the tenderness he lacks.
Kala azar
Sound Recordist
A young couple employed by a pet crematorium finds fulfilment in respectfully removing cadavers. Their love blossoms in an environment where the boundaries between human and animal are fading. When they hit a stray dog, their relationship starts to derail.
Uma Janela Para o Mar
Faced with life changing news, María, a fifty-five-year-old Spanish woman from Bilbao, chooses to take a trip to Greece with her closest girlfriends against the advice of her son and doctors. A spontaneous decision leads her to the island of Nisyros, a tiny haven of peace and calm that immediately feels like home. While exploring the beautiful island and soaking in its hidden treasures, she meets Stefanos and finds herself falling in love against all odds.
Ballad for a Pierced Heart
Sound Designer
In a small town in Greece, when amorous passion meets with greed money, dead bodies start pilling up and "Sleeping Beauty" Olga will never know the horrors she has been spared of.