In this wry retelling of the ancient Medusa myth, strange, clothed statues of men are appearing all over Greece. Only Perseus, a leader of a gang of modern Athenian thieves, with a strange childhood, holds the answer to the mystery--and it has something to do with beautiful, long-haired women in black. One night his group breaks into the house of one such creature. Filled with low-key humor and suspense, Medusa unfolds in a simple and tantalizing way
During its 85-minute running time, this jarring experimental film takes a no-holds-barred look at the way women have been treated and depicted in Western art.
Três presos de uma prisão escapam e apreendem o museu arqueológico de uma cidade da província pouco antes de sua inauguração oficial, ameaçando destruir as estátuas se suas demandas não forem atendidas. O museu está cercado pela polícia e um fim violento parece inevitável. Somente o curador do museu compartilha a angústia dos condenados em fuga (e também está naturalmente preocupado com o destino das estátuas). As pessoas da cidade, no entanto, são completamente alheias e indiferentes aos eventos que ocorrem.
The comedy was written and played at the end of the 5th century BC, at the end of the Peloponnesian War, a time of decline of the Athenian Republic. Aristophanes, on the occasion of the political situation in his country, tries to help his fellow citizens by presenting this comedy. Dionysus and his slave Xanthias, with the instructions of Hercules, go down to Hades looking for a poet, who will bring his city out of the impasse in which it has reached. After the poetic struggle between Euripides and Aeschylus, Dionysus chooses the latter to save Athens and they leave Hades together.