Alessia Boccardo


Venice Doesn't Exist
Costume Supervisor
Venice, a special evening. Louise is convinced that Charles will finally ask her to marry him. But things don't always go as you imagined and so - As walking through the mirror of her own dream, Louise gets lost in the night of Venice, a very different Venice from what she had imagined and, thanks to the meeting with Giacomo, she discovers a new version of herself.
Costume Design
Easy Living is a melancholic coming of age comedy, in which the dramatic, contemporary reality of the migrants is filtered through the eyes of a kid and turned into an adventure.
Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome
Costume Assistant
O sensível e único filho da família americana com ascendência italiana e francesa Perlman, Elio está enfrentando outro verão preguiçoso na casa de seus pais na bela e lânguida paisagem italiana quando Oliver, um acadêmico que veio ajudar a pesquisa de seu pai, chega.