Vladimir Sizov

Vladimir Sizov

Nascimento : 1949-10-16, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Morte : 2021-08-15


Vladimir Sizov


A história começa em 1991. No aeroporto de Sheremetyevo, parte do empréstimo estatal - um milhão de dólares - foi roubado. O experiente investigador Konstantin Gromov foi encarregado de investigar este caso. No entanto, em sua perseguição, ele não consegue encontrar os ladrões. Por muito tempo, Gromov viveu com uma sensação de derrota profissional. Mas um dia, mais de 25 anos depois, o herói está no encalço de criminosos. Gromov não conseguia imaginar o quão complicada é a história por trás do dinheiro roubado.
The Red One: Triumph
Andrei, nicknamed Red, is a young drug dealer, trawling hotel corridors, selling little bags of hits to hookers and businessmen alike. Shrewd and tough, he has seen more than his fair share of life. But he has a problem - a rival gang, the Abreks, have moved into his territory and are forcing prices down. Andrei is a loner, attached to no one, but he is smart. He knows a member of a rival gang, Peaky, who runs with the X-Rays. Andrei manages to get them some "rods" - guns - and concocts his plan to run the Abreks out of his area.
The Body Will Be Committed to the Ground, And the Senior Warrant Officer Will Sing
Speeding cars. Rainy St. Petersburg. Nightclubs. The opera. Drugs. Shootouts. Leather coats. Fights. Hotel rooms. Tattoos. Death... The main stake in the game is the body of the deceased "Captain", who even in his death manages to cause a lot of trouble for those who knew him.
Kreytserova Sonata
A revelatory discussion on a train. Based on Leo Tolstoy's novel of the same name.
Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game
A young teenage boy zealously tracks down criminals in this allegorical drama. Using the code name of Plumbum, Ruslan Chutko (Anton Androsov) delights in the pursuits of lawbreakers before informing the police, and he even turns in his own father when he catches him poaching fish. The questions are left to the viewer whether or not Plumbum is a crusading hero or a scoundrel. Western audiences may find the premise implausible, but children were known to inform on their own parents under the regime of Josef Stalin and others.
Vovka's friend
After the death of his wife, Pyotr Maksimovich Zverev’s life didn't develop very happily: relations with a woman whom he loved were difficult to develop, and it was also not easy with adult children. And therefore, he did not expect anything special and joyful from the coming day of his birthday...